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AFYI says Something is “Rotten” at Metro


Rob Rotten, who shoots a lot for Metro was invited by the company to attend the AEE Show. Well, sort of.

This year Rotten had a movie [The Texas Vibrator Massacre] that was nominated for 12 awards, and, altogether he had 16 noms. About two weeks prior to AEE, Metro sent him an e-mail telling him they’d like him to come to Vegas.

“Like’s one thing, give me my airfare and a hotel and I’ll come,” says Rotten.

“But they told me to come anyway. I said I’m not going to come anyway I have things to do. So they said okay we’ll give you airfare but you got to get a hotel. I said no, no, it doesn’t work that way. I can get a flight for $59 just like you can. It’s not just the money. I gave you a great movie and you’re making gobs of money off of it. Fly me out there for one fucking night or a week, I don’t care and we’ll go to the awards show.”

“I don’t hear anything for a couple of days,” Rotten continues.

“Then I e-mail that Ben Jelloun dude [Metro Content CEO] and I say what the fuck’s up? He replied with the weirdest fucking reply I ever got. He said we do not want you there. There is no room for you, nor do we want you there to represent our company. It was so weird that I wrote him back and I said, hey, you know this is Rob, right? The dude that you wanted to sign to a contract. The dude that you promised all this shit to. And you just shit in my face? Then he writes me back: yes, I’m very much aware of who this is. Do not come to Vegas.”

This, according to Rotten, was after he was extended an invite that he declined because of the airfare and hotel issues.

“Then a couple of days go by and I get another e-mail from the dude who just shit in my face, this time he says, come to Vegas and we’ll have tickets and a hotel for you set up on Friday [January 2nd].”

“I’m waiting, nothing, then Sunday night I send an e-mail saying oh I must have missed your e-mail with my ticket confirmation on Friday like you said. Then the dude sends me an e-mail right back: I’m sorry, so and so will take care of it Monday.

"I sat and waited again. Monday goes by. Nothing. Tuesday afternoon I e-mailed him again saying I must have missed the other e-mail. What the hell’s going on? The next day, Wednesday, I get a flight and a hotel. But the funny thing is they waited so long that a flight cost them about $400. [Rotten’s out of San Francisco.]

“They got me at Treasure island- basic standard room for almost $600. So they dropped over a grand because they waited till the last minute."

And with all this, the funniest thing is that Rotten was scheduled to arrive in Vegas Saturday afternoon, 4:30, the day of the award show, and leave Sunday morning, 6am. About a 14 hour stay in town.

“It’s pretty funny,” Rotten laughed.

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