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Who the Hell is Al Blanco?


I chose Al to write for LIB because for one he is from NYC, and that is an untapped market of opinion here. For two, he can write with such passion and cynasism about any issue. For three, he is very experienced in the hard edged life that NYC has to offer.

Al tends to talk about sex, hookers, mastubation and porn stars on a regular basis. That seems to fit right in with LIB.

Al has an amazing ability to put out his feelings in his essays, and to make you feel like you can relate to his experiences.

Al is uneven in his writing sometimes, I would give  him an A most times and sometimes a C. But that is part of his growing process.

He writes from his heart. He writes well. And he is an amazing individual who is going to college to be a teacher. You gotta give him credit for that.  If I could just get him to stop swearing so much, lol….

Al, so glad you are here!





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