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Is there Censorship On LIB?
Short answer- Yes

Wikipedia says Censorship is the suppression of speech or deletion of communicative material which may be considered objectionable, harmful or sensitive, as determined by a censor.

I don’t like the word CUNT. Don’t really know why. A lot of women don’t. I was just talking to a girlfriend yesterday and we were discussing this very topic. Neither of us could figure out what it was about that word that offends us so much. I have been called a cunt a few times, but not many.

I’ve been called a bitch a lot more often and that word doesn’t bother me at all, and it’s true, I can and am at times a bitch. Haven’t really been called a slut or a whore since I was in middle school. But I don’t really like those two words either.

Does the word CUNT appear on LIB? Oh yeah.

How about SLUT and WHORE? Yep.

I don’t use too many swear words in my writing because I think there are more effective words to get your feelings across. I believe it lessens the impact and import of what I write if  there are many sentences containing  motherfucker, cocksucker, shithead, and the like.

Do swear words appear on LIB? Yes, tons of them!

Poop, shit, feces, whatever you want to call it, grosses me out. Talking about it in any way makes me sick. Changing a diaper? Not if it’s #2, or I’ll be puking my guts out. Mentioning it in a sexual connotation? No way.  I gag easily and this is one of  things that does it to me.

Is it mentioned on LIB? Way too much, if you ask me.

I believe so strongly in freedom of speech that I do my best to keep my personal feelings out of what is written or posted here and just leave it alone. I post writers who oppose my view point. There are MANY comments that I disagree with. But I try to keep LIB as fair and balanced as it possibly can be. And not to CENSOR those with a point of view different then mine.

I live with the criticism about LIB. I get e-mail, comments, phone calls, and I swallow it. I chose this site. I’m willing to stand up and defend it and lose jobs and friends over it. I am surprised sometimes by the people that are mad at me for what is written here, since you would think people in the industry would be open to all sides, but not always. They can be just as close minded as the rest of the world.

But unfortunately, I do have to draw the line somewhere, and I’m drawing it at racial slurs. When I came to my site yesterday I saw one commenter who contributed absolutely nothing to the dialog of the site, gave no point of view, didn’t add an opinion. He did nothing but manage (in 5 posts) to insult black people, Jews, white people, Latinos, women and gay people.         

Nigger, Kike, Wetback, Jungle Monkey, Towel Head, Spic, Pollock, Mick, etc… To me, Racial slurs are hate words. Anger towards someone for the skin/nationality they were born into is unfair, and irrational.

Are these words on LIB? No. If show up, they will be removed.

I came to my site yesterday, and I was embarrassed by what I saw. And I’m not going to be embarrassed to come to my own site. So call a me censor if you must, but someone is not going to come to LIB and use it (and it’s huge readership) as a venue to spread hate. It just ain’t happening.


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