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Darrah vs Skeeter

Opinion/Editorial by Darrah Ford of PornStarBabylon

Because I called Arland Dale Kerkove (Skeeter) a criminal the other day, his good friend Gene Ross wrote about it on his site upset that I had labeled Skeeter a “criminal”. Once again, do I pull this shit out of my ass and make it all up?

Because I’m trying to prove myself right because of possible threats of legal action against me, and to show this has been printed elsewhere before with no legal action against them, I’ve been reading and looking around and checking Google for anything I could find to prove myself right. Now what I thought was one crime against an adult woman 20 years ago with Skeeter saying he had nothing to do with it and something about a dildo has now made me find even worse things against Skeeter.

Thank you Gene! And thank you Skeeter for your quote

From “So fuck this bitch [Darrah Ford] who’s talking about this crime stuff,” Skeeter goes on to say.

“How long do I have to pay the price for Chris Holmes having me come upstairs to see something for six fucking minutes? C’mon. Six minutes of being a voyeur? I swear skin tight pants in the video and my dick ain’t hard. Obviously I ain’t enjoying it but it is what it is.”

“You’re poor and you’re standing a room in concert. That was my original charge. Doesn’t that fuckin’ bitch [Darrah Ford] understand what it means to be in concert? In concert means to not touch. To be in the background."

“Jesus Christ, I didn’t fuck this girl,” continues Skeeter. “I don’t fuck young girls. I just don’t. I want girls to be over the top glamour. I had nothing to do with this shit- I was invited upstairs as the girl is utterly and totally naked. She ended up with a dildo and pussy in her asshole. I had nothing to do with that."


and making me more so feverishly trying to find information on you. From different sites I found these two entries about you. Worse than anything I ever said about you. Which means nothing can legally be done to me because I never acted malicious against you. I was just quoting what I had remembered reading years ago and today found more proof of it."

But if Skeeter wants to leave a comment on here, I’ll post that. And you really don’t want me to contact your ex-wife Bridgette asking for a statement now do you? Which will just open up a new can of worms that you don’t want to deal with. So enough with the light-veiled faux threats.



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