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Porn, Rock, Heroin

Tim Case blogs:

Saturday — I officiate Onyx and Mark’s renewal of their wedding vows at Higher Ground Methodist Church, definitely a first for me and I’ll bet the first time Higher Ground had a pornographer standing at their altar leading the congregation in prayer. I survive without being struck by lightning, but no writing gets done that day.

Sunday — the good women of Oasis House show up at the club at 3pm to conduct a church service for any local strippers who choose to attend. I have to be there to supervise and to let them in, of course. Breaking more new ground, here — as far as I know, this is the first time a church service has ever been conducted inside a strip club. Ever. Anywhere. The turnout is less than stellar, but we agree to meet again on September 9th and try to convince more girls to attend. Afterwards, Felicia and Hendrix and I go to the Dayton Mall, where I drop 30 bucks on the 2008 edition of Writer’s Market and she drops 50 bucks or so on makeup. We leave there, and head for Smoky Bones, where we eat barbecue and take turns holding the little munchkin. Then we go to a local cemetery and break out the stroller, walking the baby around for an hour or so under a full moon.

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