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Bree Olson Interview

I hung out with her on the Penthouse set June 12, 2007. Video

It’s early afternoon.

Bree lies on a couch and I hover above her with my video camera.

Bree: "I went to go light up this morning and I said, ‘I’m so sick of this. Cigarettes control my life. I smoke two packs a day [for the past two years].’

"It’s going to ruin my youthful looks. Health problems. Money."

She decides to quit after smoking since age 12.

Kelly Holland, director: "I think it is admirable that you decided to quit smoking. I’m just not sure that today… We’ll see how you are doing by 7 p.m."

Luke: "What do you do to stay in shape?"

Bree: "Eat a lot at McDonalds and Burger King."

Luke: "What about exercise?"

Bree: "I walk to my car. Have sex. Ride my bike. Unorganized sports such as volleyball."

"I don’t drive down here. I can’t. I have a driver. The freeways here are nuts. There’s too much congestion."

"I’ve been working here since November but I haven’t done anything. I went to Disneyland the other day."

Luke: "What makes you happy, aside from sex?"

Bree: "It was smoking."

"My kitten, Dr. Sniffles, makes me very happy. My grandmom makes me very happy. I have two girl friends in Indiana and that’s it. My boyfriend’s here in California."

"Anything to do with [dead] animals makes me sad. People dying. I hate death. I don’t like talking about it. I’m atheist. I know that when you die, there’s no heaven, so that really bums me out. I wish I could be Christian and say I’m going to heaven but I know I’m not. It sucks to know the truth."

"I’ve always questioned since I was a little kid. Between ten and thirteen, I was really Christian. After studying the whole Bible, I decided that this isn’t true."

"I still love religion. I think religious people are really nice."

"I don’t go around saying I’m atheist. How did we even get on this subject?"

"My best friend is really Christian and I never talk to her about it. I never try to convert people."

"I don’t need to have a fear of God in my life to be a good person."

Luke: "What makes you angry?"

Bree: "When people talk bad about me like you’re probably going to do on your website."

Luke: "What’s your earliest memory?"

Bree: "Falling out of the crib and my grandpa coming in to put me back in and give me a bottle. I was about one. He died when I was two."

Ken writes:



If I heard correctly, you asked Lexi Belle what her friends back home would think if they found out she was in porn, and she replied that they would be jealous. What an odd response. That runs counter to how I think most people in Louisiana would react. Query what sparked that response, and whether it is an accurate assessment of her former classmates. I kinda doubt it.

Ms. Belle comes off as been a nice but slightly vacuous kid. She giggled a lot in her interview. I think that was a nervous reaction.

For some reason I was left wondering whether she has a big lack of confidence, whether that is part of why she is in porn, and whether she is sufficiently self-aware to realize why she is in porn.

Bree Olson is probably the most attractive female I’ve ever seen in porn. Her comment about cigarettes and her looks makes it clear that she knows the source of her income and status in life.

She strikes me as quite self-aware. You agree?

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