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Lexus Attacking Online Retailers

In the past 24 hours, several of my friends who operate online adult stores have gotten emails from Toyota Motor Sales  "regarding the promotion and distribution of adult films featuring actresses named Lexus, Lexxus and Alexus." It is basically a cease and desist from using any of those terms in connection with selling adult products.

It seems that in May 2005, Vivid signed an agreement with Toyota stating it would not use the "Lexus" term anymore (Vivid had a contract girl in the late 1990s named Lexus a/k/a Lexus Locklear). But in addition to her, they want all references to Ariel Alexus, Alexus Winston, and anyone with "Lexus" in their name stricken from the record.

Who else has gotten hit with this? How should they respond?

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