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Shooting Star

Shooting Star is located in San Juan Capistrano. The owner Mickey Blank knew Mitch Weston (Spinelli) when they were young and his parents while they lived in NY, he even went to the ball park in NY with them.

Lynton Appleson bought scenes from Phil Provenzano, however Provenzano didn’t have the stills (chromes) to the movies. It seems as if Provenzano came across the footage illegally, however, Mickey Blank at Shooting Star knew very well about the footage, it was his footage from the beginning, however was sold to the “Korean” under shady circumstances, and he sold it further. However, Provenzano ended up with it, without model releases. All that footage was baked into Appleson’s 4hr videos, so called filler. All old stuff of course. Well, Appleson wanted the stills, and he ended up making a deal with Mickey Blank, when the stills came to Appleson’s office, he ended up paying three times the agreed amount. Blank pulled an Appleson on Mr Appleson.

Who was the Korean? A guy that was doing shady business, screwed a lot people in the industry, I don’t know his real name, they called him the Korean because he was from Korea, maybe it was too hard to pronounce his name. I must ask Spallone about him, he should know.

He is notorious about the footage that Provenzano had access to.The bad thing about the footage, music from Madonna and other famous musicians was scrambling in the background of the scenes, and that is illegal. The music of the scenes that are used today is made by computer programs, and no copyright is violated.

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