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Healthcare For Porn Whores

F—whore writes on XPT:

Big 3 automakers don’t give a rats ass about their employees. Only reason they do is because UAW is an organized crime family forcing them to pay for benefits of employees and retired employees. Those benefits including retirement should be the sole responsibility of the employee not employer.

Joe on the manufacturing line can be replaced with John the next day. Whore #1 can be replaced with Whore #2 the next day in porn also.

Why do you think the Big 3 can’t be profitable? Even when they shut down plants because their cars don’t sell, they still must pay employee wages.

This is socialism not capitalism. These whores need to invest their money intelligently.

Problem with whores in porn is that they aren’t smart enough to band together to form a union like SAG to protect their interests. Most are all too doped up or think too short term to pursue this. Porn whores can’t buy group health insurance because the numbers at any one given time is too small to lower rates. Porn whores come and go everyday so it would be hard to manage a healthcare program for them.

JRV writes:

And how many 19 year-old kids buy health insurance *outside* of porn? Probably about the same percentage as those inside…Insurance isn’t magic. The bills somehow have to be paid. Insurance just lets you average out the costs across a large group so that no one person’s bills (such as Nikki’s) go out of control – those costs are still there.

The problem with a performer’s union is simple: newcomer influx. There’s a new one getting off the bus every day. No matter how many performers banded together to start a union the studios would always have an endless supply of new whores willing to shoot non-union.

Moxie responds:

You have all picked up on the biggest problem with instituting healthcare for performers and others in the industry. That is, performers come and go. So here’s a possible solution. Require that in order to perform in an adult production that performers show proof that they have health care coverage. If they do not have a policy, they will be required to join in a plan underwritten by studios, agents and Aim to lower costs and administered by AIM.
You guys are lucky that the American Trial Lawyers Association has not gotten wind of how juicy a target porn valley is. The adult community is a billion dollar business that is practically defenseless as the studios could never work together even if it meant their own survival.

The first thing that would happen is the trial lawyers, rather than going after a single company that would go belly up, would go after industry wide liability, apportioning damages to each and every company in proportion to their gross. Then their would be a revenue stream for the court to start awarding damages to so many whores with post porn medical conditions, from rectal problems to STD’s, to HIV. The result will be a defacto health care plan, albeit a very costly one that will reck the finances of many companies leaving one or two standing.

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