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"Serious history of the dirty-movie business." Booklist

Tabetha Yang Calls


I got a surprising phone call from talent manager Tabetha Yang (Ron@XXXEZone.com) at 5PM.

Luke: "What happened to you?"

Tabetha: "I don't know. I don't remember a lot. "

Tabetha speaks slowly and sounds confused and very sick. She breaks my heart because she sounded so vibrant and healthy just a few weeks ago.

Tabetha: "But I am reading your stories today and Kendra is on there. Her tour dates. But with Nici. Shoot, Nici's a hooker. Kendra's not a hooker. I read that and I didn't think that was right. Why is she doing that?"

Luke: "She did the Bunny Ranch. Kendra knows Nici and they've got some deal... How are you feeling?"

Tabetha: "I feel ok. I don't remember a lot. This is the first time that I've looked at my computer. Ron's not here right now. But there are so many messages and stuff. I'm trying to remember what I do. And I remember talking to you before sometimes. And reading your story. But I remember Kendra and I didn't remember her doing bad things."

Luke: "Do you have anyone there to look after you? Ron's gone."

Tabetha: "No one's here right now but he'll be back later. He went to get me some juice and icecream."

Luke: "What's the prognosis for you?"

Tabetha: "They don't know. They took a lot of brain tests. So I don't know. I have to make appointments for more tests this week with some other people. Some specialists. I feel ok. I just have bad headaches sometimes."

Luke: "What knocked you down?"

Tabetha: "I don't remember. I remember waking up in the hospital. And I didn't remember anybody or myself for a long time. After a couple of days, I could remember Ron [Berry, Tabetha's business partner]. And the little people. My kids. A lady came to stay. She says she's my mom. But it upsets me to see Kendra there [on LF.com]... That's the reason I called. I thought it was a mistake."

Luke: "My site is not a good site to read when you are not feeling good."

Tabetha: "Well, Ron said that I used to help people. I don't remember. I have lots of letters, young girls and pictures, and all of them saying 'Help me' and I don't know what I used to do. And Ron said these were some of the places I used to work on. Plus it was written about me being sick. So I was just reading and I remember Kendra. And Kendra's a good girl. She's very like a little kid. So I didn't want anyone to say anything bad about her..."

Luke: "Your mother is there?"

Tabetha: "She left today on the airplane because she said I was better. I should work or something... I feel like I should be busy but I don't know what I am supposed to be busy doing."

Luke: "You should talk to Ron. He would know better than I. But I don't think you should be on these web sites or answering email. You're just not well yet."

Tabetha: "I was gonna work. And when Ron comes back, he's going to be angry that I am in the office. But I wanted to just read but it made me angry to see Kendra there. I don't like when people talk bad about my friends..."

Luke: "I want you to take care of yourself right now. These web sites aren't healthy places for you or anyone."

Tabetha: "I remember yelling that I was going to quit before I got sick. I remember being angry with someone but I can't remember why. I found your phone number, so I called when I saw Kendra..."

Bad Kitty writes Luke: "I think you are sick to print that phone call with Tabetha, if it is real. The condition of her health is a personal issue, and you sharing it with the world is sick. If she did call you, you obviously noticed she was not coherent, HOW COULD YOU PRINT THAT? You are obviously a fake at having any sort of conscience. You suck."

Luke replies: You have a point. Yet her business partner Ron Berry made his own point over the past week to write to sites like mine to tell people of Tabetha's travails and to ask my people, including my readers, to pray for her. Then when Tabetha came home from the hospital, Ron sent out a note to say that she was much better.

So I think they (Ron and Tabetha) would react kindly to my writings. If the situation were reversed, I would like people to know what I am dealing with. I would like people to pray for me and help me and write in with their concerns. People handle these matters differently. Some people, like you, like to keep it quiet. Others express.

I did not print everything Tabetha told me. I know I often give that feel on my site, but I hold back plenty of stuff as too personal for public consumption.

Heather Barron writes: I'm confused. Does Tabatha Yang have amnesia, a bad cold or is did she OD on porno management? Or is this a publicity stunt?

Luke says: Tabetha has definitely been in the hospital. I don't know much else.

Listen to Tabetha's previous interviews here:

Luke F-rd Live 9/26/00 Rob Spallone, James DiGiorgio, Tabetha, Kevin and Darren Blatt

Luke F-rd Live 1/16/01 Show livens up 20 minutes in. First hour - Samantha Lewish and Adella O'Neal from Digital Playground. Then manager Tabetha Yang. Then Cindy Nine from HeadWestpro.com.

Our next guest is Tabetha Yang (tabetha@tymanagement.com).

Jim: "I met her in Vegas. She's a manager, a mother, a loving wife, and very business savvy."

Luke: Is she hot looking?

Jim: Yeah. Blonde.

Luke: I thought she was asian.

Tabetha: Don't think Luke.

From Las Vegas, Tabetha began in the sex biz as a stripper. Then she moved into the administrative side of porn, because there's more money there.

Tabetha: I work with certain people. I signed Adeja and Tyler Wood. I look at the girls as individuals and they tell me what they want to accomplish in their entertainment career. I provide them with business management of their career. I help them with publicity, scheduling and time management.

Luke: Are some of these porn girls you deal with, difficult?

Jim: They're porn girls, what do you think?

Tabetha: I don't see any connection. I also manage four people who've never done adult work. They're regular SAG [Screen Actors Guild] actors.

Jim: And they're just as bad.

Tabetha: No, no.

Jim: Because everything is all about them. Everything is self serving, self focused, all about them. You have to have some ego to get in front of the camera. They are the thing they selling.

Tabetha: Right. They are in it for themselves.

Luke: I want to be an actor so that I can teach morality to the world.

Tabetha: Don't you have to live morality first Luke? If I could teach morality, I would give it up in a hurry because noone is interested in learning it. That's why people enjoy what we offer in the entertainment industry because everyone wants to be that closet porner.

Luke: When you mix socially, do you mention that you work in the adult industry?

Tabetha: No, I avoid mentioning it if possible. I tell them I am a talent manager.

Luke: Do you refer any of the girls that you manage to the Bunny Ranch?

Tabetha: Absolutely not.

Jim: Luke, did you just ask Tabetha if she was a pimp?

Tabetha: Dammit, it's madam people.

Jim: Do you drop them off on the street corners they work on in the evening? Luke's always busting my chops because I am not always so sensitive when I talk to the guests.

Tabetha: I will only help people with legitimate entertainment oriented goals and I don't think that working at the Bunny Ranch helps your career. It's one thing to do adult entertainment as an entertainer, but to be a prostitute is a whole other story.

Jim: I don't think the Torah distinguishes between the two [pornography and prostitution]. The Torah condemns both acts.

Luke: The Torah condemns all forms of sex outside of heterosexual marriage.

Tabetha: I hear that Jewish people are very sexual.

Jim: That's because they're all sinners.

Tabetha: Luke, how can you keep putting yourself in the line of criticism for hypocrisy?

Jim: Because he's a martyr. It's Luke H. Christ. He sees himself that way.

Luke: I have a messiah complex. I feel like I am suffering for the sins of the world.

Jim: He prays every night that a bunch of obsessed porno fans will break into his little hovel, take him outside, and nail him to a cross.

Luke: Tabetha, I've got some psychological issues that I'm working out through my website.

Jim: Psychological issues? That's a nice way to put it. He is completely insane. People don't realize it. Luke tomorrow could give up being a Jew and become a serial murderer.

Tabetha: Why would you pick pornography to work out your issues?

Jim: A few weeks ago on the show, I took Luke to places that all his money in therapy have never taken him. He won't let his therapist talk about his father. I got into that...and he felt better after the show.

Tabetha: They say there's honor among thieves. Maybe there's honor among porners.

Jim: Maybe. I haven't seen much honor in this business.

Luke: Tabetha, how long did it take you reading my site to figure out what was going on?

Jim: Because of your disjointed prose?

Luke: Yeah.

Tabetha: I noticed that the subjects would change a lot.

Jim: Like in mid sentence.

Tabetha: I never got that Australian Mafia thing.

Jim: That's because there is no Australian Mafia.

Tabetha: Well, even if there was, I know nothing. I saw nothing.

Luke: Why are you people afraid to speak out against the Australian Porn Mafia?

Jim: Luke, I did business with those guys. I shot a movie for them. PeePee Girls.

Luke: He's not part of the Australian porn mafia.

Jim: He owns a bunch of strip clubs. They had a big war going on. He told me one day that they killed his doorman. They came by and started shooting... Are there two Australian Porn Mafias?

Tabetha: Do you know where snuff films come from?

Jim: They come from Brazil.

Luke: What's the Aussie's name?

Jim: I won't say because I am still doing business with him. You're always trying to take money out of my pocket. You're always wanting me to turn on the people who actually pay me. Why don't you ask me to say some s--- about people who owe me money, who have f---ed me? I'll go after them. But you never bring them up. He just wants to screw me over. His goal in life is to make me miserable.

Tabetha: Misery loves company.

Jim: And there's noone more miserable than Luke. Trust me. Ask his therapist. He is is MISERY.

Tabetha: Luke's got us all fooled. He plays this little Charley Brown attitude and then goes home and laughs his ass off.

Jim: Luke goes home, goes into depression and sleeps for three days.

Tabetha comes from a Mormon background.

Tabetha: "I was a Latter Day Saint. Now I'm pagan."

Luke: "Do you believe in God?"

Tabetha: "I believe in many gods."

Luke: "Tabetha, how do you figure out right and wrong?"

Tabetha: "Let your conscience be your guide. You can call it the Holy Ghost, or angels or yourself... I listen to myself and if something tells me inside that I am doing the wrong thing, I am going to steer away from it. And if it tells me it is the right thing, I am going to go for it. I make mistakes sometimes because I don't listen to myself. Even Jesus said, you can do all the things that I have done and even greater."

[Luke wonders where Jesus said that.]

Jim: "How do you know he said that?

"Luke, I read a critical article about the porn industry in the latest issue of Talk magazine. You think Wicked expected good stuff to be said about them when they joined in on that?"

Luke: "Tabetha, how do you like dealing with backbiting?"

Tabetha: "It makes me cry. It hurts my feelings. A previous client, who I will not name because there are legal battles going on, did that to me. I trusted her. And I brought her in my home."

Jim: "Was she a porn girl?"

Tabetha: "Oh yeah."

Jim: "And you trusted her?"

Tabetha: "Yeah."

Jim: "Enough said."

Tabetha: "I believe you have to have faith in people."

Jim: "Not those people."

Tabetha: "She totally stuck it to me good. And now she's continually lying behind my back to people I work with...

"I was her one way to stay alive and move forward with her career and to reach the goals she wanted... It was like dealing with a spoiled 16-year old and I can't take it anymore. So I put my foot down about it and she freaked out..."

Jim: "I've been in this business seven years and I've cried all my tears out. I have none left. I have no tears left to weep because that's what they've done to me. They've taken me like a wet rag and rung all the tears out of me."

Tabetha: "When people come to me and say, please don't listen to rumors. Just talk to me. And I do. I talk to them as an individual and I try to judge them on their own basis. And that's how I treat them - how they treat me."