CAL OSHA- Rules for the Adult Industry- Part 2 Examples of …controls used in the adult film industry include:     •    Simulation of sex acts using acting, production and post-production techniques     •    Ejaculation outside the partner’s body     •    Use of barriers, which protect  partner from contact with semen, vaginal fluids, mucous membranes, etc. Examples of barriers include condoms and dental dams…

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A few Sex Games

Have you had sex on line? There are so many ways to have cyber sex and none of them are dangerous to your health! (Unless your wife finds the charges on your credit card bill.) These days, typing dirty words in a chat room to a partner is as old-fashioned as stealing your Daddy’s Playboy….

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CAL OSHA- Rules for the Adult Industry- Part 1

CAL OSHA Rules for adult sets- Part 1 In the adult film industry, Cal/Osha requires:        Following a written safety and health program, known as an injury and illness prevention program, or IIPP. In simple terms, an IIPP identifies potential hazards specific to the workplace and ways to protect workers from those hazards.    …

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