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Thursday, October 7th, 1999

FSC Lobbies For Adults Only Porno

WASHINGTON, Oct. 7 /PRNewswire/ -- The Free Speech Coalition, which represents performers, producers and manufacturers for the eight billion dollar a year adult entertainment industry, said in a National Press Club presentation today, that "apart from deeply held moral concerns against the inappropriate exposure of minors to sexual materials, 14-year-olds do not provide an income stream for adult websites."

And, said Gloria Leonard, President, and Jeffrey J. Douglas, the Coalition's Executive Director: "No one wants minors to have access to pornography."

In a forum titled "Sex on the Internet: Debating Censorship," Leonard and Douglas faced-off against Donna Rice Hughes of the conservative organization, "Enough is Enough," Carol Clancy, an attorney with the National Law Center and Ms. Solving Singleton, Director of Information Studies at the Cato Institute.

Leonard said "The increasing power of right wing and ultra conservative religious factors -- well-oiled and fervently funded, are poised to attack freedom of expression regardless of which political party occupies the White House next."

Douglas said that prior to a viewer seeing sexually explicit images, the website should require that a credit card be provided. "By requiring the credit card, the only mechanism by which minors could gain access to sexually explicit imagery is through consent or negligence of the parents."

Douglas also said that the widespread presence of pornography on the Internet demonstrates that the demand for sexually oriented materials is enormous. "No one can underestimate the dollar power and associated commitment of technology that e-pornography has. Part of the explosion of demand arises from the need for privacy in sexual matters socially demanded," he added.

He also explained that the very condemnation of pornography which some of the speakers today represent drives the market for Internet pornography. "I am here to say that the availability of pornography on the Internet is a very good thing," Douglas said.

The Free Speech Coalition offers a reward of up to $10,000 each year for information leading to the arrest and conviction of producers and/or distributors of child pornography. For more info, see www.freespeechcoalition.com.

Jim Power's Gangbang

Jim Powers and Sharon Mitchell are preparing for Saturday's gangbang of Candy Apples. Yesterday they had a big misunderstanding.

Jim: "We've been sending everyone to get tested. And I was going to have Elisa testing available the day of the shoot as a backup... And they're wearing condoms and using the liquid condom as lube...

"It's just amazing considering all these companies who put out gay videos and many of the gay guys don't even get tested. They don't want to know. There are gay guys in this business [porno] working who are HIV positive. They don't even have to have tests because they use condoms. A good chunk of the transsexuals don't have tests. But that's ok because they don't do facial pops and they do use condoms.

"Here I am, wanting to have a movie where everyone gets tested... And how many of them are even going to come? How many will get more than four or five pokes?

"Anyway, Sharon Mitchell took offense to the whole thing. From what she told Gabor and my production manager [Johnny Thrust], she didn't even care that they got PCR DNA tests for HIV. They had to get the tests through AIM or she was going to shut it down and call the Health Department. [Mitchell denies saying this.] She was going to inform them that the Elisa is an illegal test.

"I just want to have a nice happy gangbang... What's the big deal?"

Luke: "Some nice family entertainment."

Jim: "You try to throw a gangbang in today's day and age and everybody wants to know you down. It's amazing. All this politicall correct porno! Come on! This industry is amazing. I think it's a money issue. She wants everyone to go through AIM."

The gangbang will probably start around 12 noon, says Powers. The press gets there at 10am to talk to Candy. The shoot takes place at 1828 Oak Street in Downtown LA off of the 10 and the 110.

Luke: "How many guys do you think you will have?"

Jim: "I have a master list of 2000 names that I've been collecting the past six months. Because I do the Bukkake thing. We're getting an underground following. I didn't go the Metro route. I hit the streets. I've been going to fraternity houses and handing out fliers. Talking to their social chairman. I've been advertising in hispanic newspapers and all the newsstand newspapers. You don't advertise in AVN to get people to come to a gangbang. That's like preaching to the converted. These are the guys who want to be on the Spice Channel.

"So far we've confirmed 700 people. Let's face it, at the Houston gangbang, they had 150 people max. And they called it 600, and that was cheating on numbers left and right. At least when I did the Spontaneous Xtacy one, those 551 were real numbers. Yeah, we probably only had 150 people but they all took on average four pokes at her. If I can get 500 actually f---ing her, going up two times, we're going to hit a thousand. We plan on f---ing till dawn.

"This is more like an extreme sporting event. I have twelve bands playing at this event. That's why I wanted the Elisa testing. Spur of the moment. Like Woodstock... Hey, I'll think I'll be part of porno history. Friends urging them on. At the moment, we're telling everyone to get DNAs. We have five people working the phone room getting people to all available clinics.

AIM - 818-981-5681. North Hollywood Clinic aka Family Medical Center, 12629 Riverside Dr. 818-487-1987.

Sharon Mitchell, talking to Luke in the early afternoon of Thursday, said she had no objection to talent getting their PCR DNA test at any reputable clinic, but she opposed the substitution of Elisa tests for PCRs.

Sharon: "We're testing as many folks as possible for PCR DNA... We'll be testing on Friday and our results will come back by Saturday because our lab will be open. We are providing condoms, the chemical barrier protection and we're premedicating all the girls, prophylactically, all the fluffers and the star Candy, a dose of Zythromax and Levequan... It's what we would give someone if they had chlamydia and gonorrhea or any sort of STD crud that might be flying around. So by premedicating the girls, they can't give or contract any STDs. So we feel it should be very safe and fun. And AIM health care staff will be there to check tests. We expect to have a great time. Candy has been in for her checkup, all the fluffers have been in. The gentlemen have all been in and informed and educated, and they're looking to have a lot of fun."

Luke then read Sharon Jim Power's comments.

Sharon: "I never said that people had to take their PCR DNA test at AIM. There are several places in LA that offer this test at an economical price. I took offense that they were using Elisas. They didn't include AIM (Adult Industry Medicine) because they knew that I would insist on PCR DNA... They were having people testing for Elisa. Why? Money. They're not paying these gentlemen, the fans, much money. They figured that if they required a less expensive test, it would probably add to their numbers [of men participating].

"I took offense at the mixing of our people, the 400 or so people [in porno] who get tested every month in Los Angeles by PCR DNA... [Most porners get tested at either AIM or the Dr. Jim Bonura clinic, or the Venice 10-Minute Clinic.] When you influx and inmix people with the lesser antibodies test, it puts people at greater risk. It's not only spitting in the face of the existing regimen that the industry adheres to, but puts the talent at risk.

"All we do at AIM is manage the [porn] industry's health care. Because that's all we do, we do it a little more effectively than most places. And we are used to managing gangbangs. We do all the girl gangbangs, the guy gangbangs... If we're all on the same page, it's much better.

"AIM is hosting a casino night [fundraiser] in the first week in November. We'll have a casino truck come in where you can buy script for the gambling for private strip tease videotapes for the girls. It should be a lot of fun. As soon as I get all the dirt, I'll let you know.

"I'm terribly sorry that Jim [Powers] feels that way, I'll have to give him a call."

Thirty minutes later, Sharon phoned back.

Sharon: "I must've come across like a dragon to that young kid [Johnny Thrust] who's never been a PM [production manager] before. I was mad that they were using Elisas. I said we'd be happy to check tests but I did not mean that they all had to come to AIM. But I was yelling at this kid, and I can really blast out when I feel injustice is happening. This is what I was thinking: There are a million guys with their little dicks in their hand who just shot dope yesterday who are going to f--- our people who PCR DNA. I'm going crazy, thinking, ohmigod, disease, disease. What am I going to do? So I'm screaming at this poor guy and he got rattled. He told Jim, I'm positive that she said that everyone had to go to AIM... I could never say that. We always work together on these gangbangs. I could never legally require anyone to get tested at AIM.

"I did ask that the girls come down for the LCR, that way we could blanket dose them. That was an open tab paid for by Heatwave. But it got mixed up. They were sending people living in Culver City and making them drive up here. I felt terrible. But it was a misunderstanding. Thank you for letting me that I had left that impression. Ohmigod, I'm f---ing glad you called..."

Luke talked Thursday morning to Swedish blonde Linda Thoren who was looking at chromes (slides) at her production company Sin City. Incidentally, I hear that Linda's fellow contract girl Shay Sweet may be retiring because she supposedly does not want to do guys (as she's in a relationship with sales guy Jeff at KBeech). Shay answers the phone at Sin City and I talked to her briefly, but as a matter of policy, Luke prefers not to check his facts and instead runs with rumors (thus I did not run the rumor by her). Why let the facts get in the way of a good story?

On Wednesday, Sin City's PR man Jeff Wozniak served as cameraman for Al Goldstein, who interviewed Linda Thoren at his apartment on Kings Road in West LA. Then Laurie Holmes, John's widow, stopped by. Al and Laurie went off, then Jeff, Linda and her boyfriend Thomas, and Gerry Lim went to dinner.

I phoned the gracious Swedish American director Nic Cramer at noon Thursday. During her times in Los Angeles, Thoren stays with Nic.

Nic: "Luke, what brings me the honor?"


Luke: "I hear that you have XXX [some vicious false rumor]."

Nic: "Oh, nice opener... What do you say to that?"


Nic: "Rumors of my demise have been greatly exaggerated."

Luke: "I hear that you are doing something very risky. You're shooting a movie for Sin City [who've screwed Nic over many times, I hear]."


Nic: "Yes I am. I'm starting tomorrow."

Luke: "Have you developed self-destructive tendencies?"

Nic: "Michael Raven is a friend of mine. Due to a scheduling conflict, he was not ready to shoot Linda until later in the month and she's only here until the 14th. He asked me to do it... We agreed on a budget for a three day shoot. Hang on one second."

Nic clicks over to take a call from Sin City. They're looking for Linda Thoren who's actually in their building.

Nic: "Oh, she's there. Then they have their wires crossed, hang on one more second."

A minute later, Nic returns.

Nic: "Oh boy, I'm popular today. That day before the shoot syndrome... Sin City has rehabilitated its chaotic structure in the last year thanks to Michael Raven. I have a checkered past with Sin City but I've decided that it is time to move on and heal. Why not do this? They pay me well and they were respectful in asking me to do it. I felt wanted. They made it sound like they actually wanted me."

Luke: "For your artistic vision."

Nic: "Well, I'm not that full of myself. My movie for Sin City is called Pure Sin. It's a Linda driven vehicle. It's a psuedo documentary of Linda coming to America to evolve sexually. Almost biographical. A backwards Emmanuelle or Story of O... Linda either watches or participates in a series [of sex scenes].

"I have a monthly deal with Pleasure on the 20th. I alternate two films and two videos every other month. Back to back, as one shoot, over a week. This month on the 20th, I shoot two videos. Then in November, right before Thanksgiving, I shoot two films."

Luke: "What's the budgetary difference between videos and films?"

Nic: "Not just because they are films or videos, but the videos are lower budget than the films. It's a trade off because I've been doing films for them for several years and they are all medium to high end in budget. And I refuse to go low on film. So I do a trade off. They offered me a contract and a longterm commitment on films if I did some videos for them as well.

"The difference between film and video is quality. Overall... The acting quality... Everybody takes it mroe seriously. Everybody shows up on time. Everybody is attentive and alert and into the project because you're shooting on film. It's got a respect aura to it in the industry that may be more perceived than actual but it is still important. In my mind, artistically, it is a total quality difference even though the new digital [video] cameras are very filmlike, it is still a Xerox of the original.

"You've got that luster in the film grain that is unmistakeable versus that ultracrisp video look that is very TVesque and I don't care for. I shoot my videos in letterbox with a filmlook grain, with a grainier picture, on purpose, because I like that look. A lay person should be able to tell the difference [between film and video]. I can spot the difference within one second with 100% accuracy. I'm a snob purist about it. I like film better.

"I don't mind doing videos, but to give you an idea, I did my first video since September 1997 last month.

"I've shot about 25-30 films and about 40 videos, two-thirds of those were cheap quickies in my first year. After that I got ambitious."

Luke: "What do you think is your best work this year?"

Nic: "By your favorite magazine's standards?"

Luke: "Yeah, Adult Video News."

Nic: "Trigger. A film loosely based on Strange Days, very sci-fi, based on sex trips. Sex experiences stored on disc, the drug of the future. You can jack into someone else's fantasies and relive them in first person. I thought that was an interesting concept to explore. We had a five day shoot and almost a $100,000 budget so I had some swinging room with my arms, so to speak. I'm proud of it. Herschel Savage does a good villain and Alexa Rae does a good female lead. It's coming out this month."

The AVN deadline for its Awards show is Halloween.

Luke: "Does it take longer to light a scene for film?"

Nic: "Not per se. We probably light more carefully, with larger setups, on film. That goes hand-in-hand that we have a bigger budget when we work on film. You can do more with lighting on film. You can manipulate more because you have film speed, film stock, 500 or 250 stock or 64 daylight... You're dealing with actual film that can be manipulated. With video, you get what you're looking at. Anything you change there you can possibly tweak a bit with an AVID machine...

"We shoot Fuji 16mm. Kodak and Fuji are compatible but Kodak is 30% more expensive. My film stock costs alone on a couple of films is $6-7,000. It's $110 for a 12-minute, 400 foot roll and we go through about 60-70 of them in two movies. That's about twelve hours of footage for two movies. (Videotape is $25 for an hour long tape.) About a four to one ratio (footage compared to final product). About 80% of that sex.

Cramer: "You called for gossip and you get a lesson in Film 101.

"I live a boring life. I got to work and do my thing. Between my two shoots this month, I won't have time to do anything but prepare.

"In November, we're doing Looker 2. Shanna McCullough and her husband Carlos why not do a prequel sequel before the fact. I said fine, write it. They tweaked out an outline and I threw it at Pleasure...and they loved it. And why wouldn't they? They had a lot of success with Looker [won the Best Film award from AVN in 1999]. And I am not above making a sequel. Shanna will reappear in it and she will get story credit. I will probably write the script from their storyline. I will rework what they give me because I know what I can shoot and not shoot. And look for Sylvia Saint to also appear in the sequel. She appeared in a flashback sequence in the first one. I'm looking to evolve her part to a bigger one."

A police report show that Dave Hardman called 911 on his producer and lover Lynne L-patin a few weeks ago, resulting in L-patin's arrest and coming trial. Stories had circulated that the neighbors called.

Wicked Pictures owner Steve Orenstein tells : "Like that story a couple of weeks ago on another site [l-keford.com] saying I'm up to my ears in debt. First of all, I've never had problems with debt since I've been in business. I've always been in the positive. I've had tight cash flow at times like everybody does, but the timing in the last few weeks when those stories were going up, cash flow was actually better than it's probably been in the last year. And that's when I'm reading how terrible things are going. My mom's my bookkeeper. She comes in and says, 'Remember your buddy, Luke? We're up to our ears in debt.' I said we are? Do you need to borrow some money? Just be careful, we're up to our ears…"

Jenna Jameson tells : "Let me tell you something. All these roadies can f---in' go f--- themselves!

"I have to admit, when I'm on the road, I'm a bitch from hell. It gets to the point where you're lonely. It's lonely out there.

"I've been in this about six years, but it feels like 20," she says. "I feel pretty old and tired."

Mad Jack phoned Luke Thursday afternoon. "My girlfriend says I have a love affair with Luke F-rd. I am always at my f---ing computer. I've got this hot little 21-year old Thia and she sits back here and bitches because I'm at my f---ing computer when she wants to f---. Do I have a serious mental problem or what?"

One of Luke's favorite columnists is Camille Paglia, who writes for www.salon.com:

And I'm just as sick of "Catholic-bashing" as Giuliani himself. I may be an atheist, but I was raised in Italian Catholicism, and it remains my native culture. I resent the double standard that protects Jewish and African-American symbols and icons, but allows Catholicism to be routinely trashed by supercilious liberals and ranting gay activists. Missing from media accounts was that this Brooklyn Museum flap disastrously broke in the midst of a furor over the alleged anti-Semitism of the Irish Catholic presidential wannabe Pat Buchanan.

That a Jewish collector and a Jewish museum director had no compunction about selecting a parodic image of the Madonna from the whole of Chris Ofili's dung-bedecked oeuvre shows either stupidity or malice. The Brooklyn show has fomented hatreds in this country -- as witnessed by the placard of a defaced Star of David carried, according to the New York Post, by a demonstrator outside the museum on opening day. Is this the destructive train of thought that the contemporary arts want to foster?

As I wrote last year in the progressive London magazine Index on Censorship, culture has shifted as we approach the millennium. Through "over-repetition and feeble imitation," I asserted, transgression and subversion have lost their once-potent charge: "We should be concerned now not with defiling and defaming traditional beliefs but in reconstructing out of the nihilistic ruins left by modernism and post-structuralism some enlightened new system of affirmative spiritual and political values."

Asshole of the Month

Luke F-rd is Hustler magazine's Asshole of the Month in its holiday 1999 issue. I quote excerpts from page five:

Ford runs a Web site that delights in smearing the private lives of public figures. But Ford's personal attacks on "porners," and his proud disdain for facts, make Drudge read like a reporter for the Christian Science Monitor.

Ford actively solicits malicious dirt on performers and producers in the XXX world, bragging: "I will print it without worrying about fairness, truth or accuracy."

Aside from unsubstantiated accusations, Ford publishes his own blend of largely inaccurate industry news bites and outright lies. Among Ford's dispathes are untrue assertions that the Vivid girls have AIDS, that Larry Flynt pays Mob kickbacks, and that FBI agents had arrested "leading members of the American porn industry for antitrust violations."

After threats of litigation, Ford labeled some of his character assassinations as "parody" and "satire." He believes that his readers are sophisticated enough to sort his deliberate bulls--- from his inadvertent errors.

Judging from the feedback of Luke's fans, their level of sophistication is akin to that of the bumbling editor who accepted Ford's 1,000 page manuscript chronicling smut cinema and published it as a 252-page book.

One of the book's typical false facts is that, "Though many porn girls do have sex with dogs, few permit photos of their escapades."

Luke can explain the extreme lack of integration of his attitudes and actions: He boasts of being "a twisted multiple-personality person."

Luke's father, a Seventh Day Adventist preacher, believes that his son is "mentally unstable" because of a head injury. Ford's sister blames Luke's "lack of insight and balance" on "glandular fever." Her 33-year old brother "is not the boy he used to be." She finds the aging child's current activites "heartbreaking."

Who else is disturbed by Ford's behavior? How about the more than 300 porn people whose real names he published? Marc Star, brother of television producer Darren Star (Melrose Place, Sex and the City), allegedly punched Ford in the stomach, outraged that Ford had dug up a four-year-old New York Post story as the basis for accusing Darren of being responsible for a girl who overdosed in a New York City hotel room.

Does Darren Star have a connection to XXX? No more so than John F. Kennedy Jr., who, according to Luke's site, was a notorious homosexual.

"I create the hatred for me," Luke has said. "My problems are not in porn, but in myself."

Responding to animosity real and imagined, Ford posted photos of himself fondling a revolver. The gun owner, who admits, "I get therapy once or twice a week for 90 minutes a session," holds the pistol against his nose, gazing off as if he sees Jodie Foster falling in love with him.

"Luke passionately believes in self-defense," writes the madman, "and he will kill to protect himself."

If his Web site is any indication, Luke's notion of self-defense fits a sane man's definition of an unprovoked ambush. Luke F-rd, both of him, is likely to end his days confined to an institution; the tragedy is who the dual Asshole might take out before he is removed.

Mc writes Luke: Well, I have to say you must be doing something right to have so many people so f---ing pissed off! The fact that you publish all the bad things said about you shows that you have a good sense of humor. Actually,I'm surprised you don't like Howard Stern since you have so much in common-you are both Jews, both love porn, and are both controversial and piss people off all the time.I think you are joining the ranks of the great asshole/rebels-Stern, Larry Flynt, Al Goldstein etc. Congratulations and keep up the good work.

Ike writes: Hey luke !! Dont listen to those critics. You are doig something new and everyone is listening. Pornography is worthless and so are it's purveyors.

Rugpony: If Larry Flynt had shared your attitudes regarding self-defence, perhaps he wouldn't be sitting in a wheelchair drooling on his shirt.

8763 Wonderland Avenue

After taking lunch at the Souplantation on La Cienega Blvd, Luke drove up Laurel Canyon.

I took a left at Lookout Mtn Avenue and drove a mile up the curvy narrow street before taking a right on Wonderland Avenue, home to the "four on the floor" John Holmes murders. I passed the Wonderland Elementary school and drove a mile up the hill. I was scared.

In late June, 1981, Holmes was in a bad position. He'd smoked a couple of drug deliveries for the Wonderland Gang, a group of drug dealers (Joy Miller, William Ray Deverell and Ron Launius) who lived in a stucco house (formerly belonging to the rock group Paul Revere and the Raiders) at 8763 Wonderland Avenue on a steep, winding road in the hills above Hollywood. Read On.

I parked beside 8763 Wonderland at 2:45 PM and stared at the house. Someone was vacuuming inside. I feared people would ask me, what are you doing here? I quickly snapped a couple of pictures, then got out of my van and walked up and down the road. I felt spooked. It was one of those times when the world of the spirit, and the evil spirits of these murders, seemed far more real to me than the world of the physical.

I would not like to live in a house that had hosted murder, nor would I want to touch money that had been earned through immoral means. Such money is spiritually tainted and will wreak havoc.

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Humble writes: I'm writing today to compliment you on your (moving?) story of the 4 on the floor murders. My interest in the porn community began with these killings: I and a friend tried to write a book about them in '93, which was represented by ICM. Everyone rejected it. The most insightful rejection was "this book is unrelievedly sleazy. There are no positive characters..."

What's so great about the case are the amazing synchronisticies: Tom Lang's later involvement in the OJ case; Scott Thorson's role as the witness against Eddie Nash. Scott was Liberace's lover. He claims he met Nash, and witnessed him ordering the killings, because he was in Nash's house to buy cocaine to relieve the pain from the plastic surgery he had just undergone at Liberace's insistance. Liberace wanted Scott to look like a younger version of himself.

NJG writes: Luke we talked about John Holmes before, months ago, remember when I told you I wanted to write a book. Anyways, what I would like to know is what was John Holmes connection to the mafia guys who ran the punk club "The Starwood".

The Starwood is now defunct, I don't even know what is there anymore but here's the scoop Luke on what I know, and I think it is worth investigating. The Starwood had live punk bands and 3 rooms. I remember Rodney Bigenheimer from KROQ used to play records there and he also had THE only punk show on the radio. It was on late at night. So anyways the Starwood I think was a disco or something previously.

Years after the Starwood's demise I was friends with this gorgeous blonde girl Carla. Her mom was hooked up with some weird guy who was in the mob or something. And he told me that the Starwood had been a front, there were tons of drugs being dealt there. They were laundering money through that place, that was the reason for the unprofitable punk gigs. And that John Holmes would hang out at this place, he was friends with the owner. And actually after the John Holmes/murder thing they closed the Starwood. I don't know all the details of this Luke, and it was a long time ago.

Oh and Carla gave me these "drugs" to sell, I don't remember what they were. Her mom's bf had given them to her and she was selling them, so I bought them (they were unbelievably cheap) and I sold them all to some biker I met in a burrito place in Venice. When I told Carla I had done this she freaked out and said the pills were FAKES, and I was panicked since this biker guy knew where I lived!! Luckily he never came after me. I think I ran into him once after that and he told me that he really "liked" them. I never did anything like that again!

Charles Colson

Fred writes about Charles Colson: 1. So postmodernism is the logical conclusion of the enlightenment rejection of Christianity. What a coincidence. The Dark Ages were the logical conclusion of Christian rejection of enlightenment. All things considered, I'd rather be alive today than 1000 years ago. I bet Colson would to.

2. Colson is an idiot. The sexualization of society is not the result of some sort of philosophical movement. It is not the result of some cabal of academics out to subvert society. It is the result of basic biology, i.e. people have sex urges. And other people can make money off of those sex urges. The folks who publish Playboy probably couldn't care less about postmodernism. (I know I couldn't.)

3. Throughout the ages, sexual repression has waxed and waned. During the reign of Charles II in England, things were pretty loose. During the reign of Cromwell and the Puritans, things were not pretty loose. During the reign of Pope Alexander VI or Leo X, life in Rome was pretty loose (especially uner Alexander VI). During other periods, things were not. Today things are pretty liberal. Forty years ago, they were not. That's life. If Colson is looking for the emergence of schools of thought to explain these things, he's wasting this time. Again, he's an idiot.

4. Colson starts out his piece by writing about someone who is shocked to walk into class and see a porno movie. This sounds like a lot of crap too. Exactly what was the name of this class? What was in the college bulletin? I find it hard to believe that there are any classes such that you couldn't tell from the name of the class that they'd be showing things that were pornographic. If "Barbara" was shocked, she's an idiot, and has no place in a college. Which isn't to say that I think that there was legitimate academic work going on in that classroom. Rather, I think that Colson's piece is nonsense. If he wants to attack the class because it was not academically legitimate, fine. But that is not what I sense was going on.

Jewish View of Bestiality

The Biblical book of Ruth describes the two daughters-in-law of Naomi, Ruth and Orpa. While Ruth follows Naomi back to Israel and converts to Judaism, Orpa returns to her people. According to the Talmud, on the night that Orpa left Naomi, she had sex with 100 men and a dog, illustrating how quickly people can fall from spiritual heights into depravity.

Amalek writes: The torah clearly and explicitly condems beastiality. With so strong a prohibition (I believe that, along with homosexual conduct, it merits death under jewish law, so loathsome does the Torah find it), there must be secondary and tertiary "fences" around the prohibition to prevent people from even approaching such an act. The consequences of such fencing relate to condoms. Some condoms are made of animal gut. Men place this piece of animal onto their genitalia and ejaculate into an interior space provided for this purpose. Is that not akin to having sex with at least a portion of an animal, and therefore tantamount to beastiality? Amalek says yes. So be careful out there, and use latex condoms whenever you use a condom.

Your reading of Hitler is very interesting. I am curious, what reason do you have (assuming that you are a citizen of the USA) NOT to support Patrick Buchanan in his race for the white house? Is there any point on which the two of you diverge politically? I think you should start recruiting jews from the world of porn to come out of their closets and campaign for Pat in a very public way. He deserves no less. PS Please keep me informed as to your progress in setting up that 900 number and/or that dating service I suggested. You can do it!

NJG writes: Dear Luke: Please don't forget my birthday on October 17th. So if you could, could you please say on your October 17th site say in the first sentence: Happy Birthday to Nice Jewish Girl? Thank you Luke.

As far as your latest reading material goes, I told you that you and Hitler were similar! I knew you'd like Mein Kampf. Personally I am not bothered by your anti-semitism. I know it's the reason you keep the sabbath. Even in religion you have two opposing views IMO. You really don't like jews, I think, so you overcompensate and date them and fetishize them. I think you like/love jews and also hate/abhor them. Also with your christian background I am sure you heard (as jews did) that we killed jesus. I bet in your past, and with your history, you were probably mean to the few jewish kids you knew when you were a child. Growing up, you probably were ashamed of being that way, and due to your illness, identified with the oppressed, in this case the jews. You renounced your christian past and became jewish by listening to DP.

You took to judaism like a zealot, pushing aside your feeling that jews killed christ. Again, due to your attraction to extremism, you became extremely jewish. Even going so far as to condemn jews that don't practice judaism in the way you do as being heretics. But it all stems from your own extreme personality Luke. You are pushing aside the anti-semetic feelings by being overzealous. Underneath is a jew-hating gay man. Yes gay, again, it goes with your extremism and pushing aside your feelings, but it shows up and comes out. Also, if Amalek is going to be negative about me, he should not be afraid of me and we should have a three-way phone call. I would like to confront him on some issues he's raising about me.

Luke this is soooo funny. My girlfriend decided to break up with me. Here's her letter:

"I've decided I dont want to correspond with you anymore. You have been a totally s---ty friend to me over the past year. All you care about is your stupid netromances and dramas. You dont really care if your life gets better, you like the staus quo. You dont care about anything or anyone, you just like making a big stink about everything for no reason. Perhaps the fact that I live a functional life is boring to you. Enjoy your dysfunction, just dont write me any more emails about how you want it to stop because I know you love it. yours truly, susan."

NJG: Wait, I responded to her. I wasn't gonna, but I just felt like it would be fun!! So here it is, my response to Susan. Oh btw, she is an Aries, not like us, we're air signs, those fiery aries, they take everything so seriously and have conniptions. LOL Welllll Susan I am tired of your puerile problems as well. Your endless victimization tales at the hands of everyone around you, i.e., your roommates, your co-workers, your job, your boyfriend whom I suffered through last year..., your friends who aren't there enough for you, and of course how you are always right else the tantrums start. I guess we all can't be perfect like you. you know that line "just dont write me any more emails about how you want it to stop because I know you love it..." that applies to you and me Luke. We're both like that. oh god we are sooo sick. LOL. But we're truly artistic :) btw Alex e-mailed me again .... love you mucho!

I got that e from you from Amalek, and there is no way I would write that guy or any guy you know. You know how I feel. I would like to speak with him on 3-way as long as you're there. You know I don't want to talk to any of these guys without the safety of you protecting me.

Brian Long writes: To think that you were ever taken seriously at some point in this "career" is astounding. To think that I used to take you seriously is embarassing. You're a joke now. I don't even know why XXX is upset with you. You're nothing. No, the pictures don't look like her, you know it, everyone knows it. You're not a serious journalist. You're a back stabbing, malicious prick.

Porn's All Century Team

Johnny Denim (johnnydenim@hotmail.com) writes in his www.unchain.com column: With the 20th century coming to a close and Major League Baseball putting their All Century Team together I have decided to put together my all century porn star team. There will only be 3 categories for this: Male, Female and Directors. For the next 3 PFTP's I will assemble this elite group. Here is my first installment:


Harry Reams 1970-1987:

Harry got his start in the New York exploitation film business of the late 1960's in such films as "Deadly Weapons" directed by Doris Wishman. With other New York actors he got into the porn industry just as it was getting off the ground. His finest hour was in the 1972 classic Deep Throat. He is an AVN and XRCO hall of famer and runner up in the Johnny Denim voting for fakest looking real moustache and JD all century member.

John C. Holmes 1965-1986:

No all century team would be complete without the undisputed king of erotica. His 12 incher wasn't the only thing that put him on the map since there have been other men in the industry with bigger dicks since. It was when he played Johnny Wadd for the first time in 1973 that made him a legend. Few men with the exception of maybe a John Leslie were as popular to work with among females on the set. He was seldom rough with women in his scenes like today's men. He was a master of eroticism and could make even the ugliest costar look sexy during a scene. Sadly he died in 1988 at the age of 43 holding every lifetime record in the industry up to that time. (Only Ron Jeremy has a hope of breaking his record of nearly 2400 films among the currently active men.) He is also a charter XRCO hall of famer and a member of my all century team.

Ron Jeremy 1979-Present:

No man in the history has been more universally popular then Ron Jeremy. The Hedgehog is along with Nina Hartley one of the adult film industry's foremost spokespeople is living proof that sometimes nice guys do finish first. A veteran of nearly 2000 films no porn star has successfully crossed over into the mainstream more often without shaking off his porn roots like Ron. (Few people know this but he helped choreograph the legendary ice scene in 9 1/2 Weeks!) There is really too much to say about Ron that hasn't been said a billion times before so I pay tribute to the great Ron Jeremy by making him a member of my all century team.

John Leslie Actor 1974- Present, Director 1985-Present:

John Leslie is the industry's all-time Renaissance man. He lived the life of 10 men and a dozen boys. As for his porn career he was the best period. Best looking in his day, best actor, best writer, best director. Let me know if I left anything out. He was the master of the the art of tonguing a girl, a craft that most never ever get right for any girl in their lifetime. John is a rare case of a leading man who was not only great on camera but behind the camera as well. (Too many men to count try to duplicate his success but almost all have failed in my opinion.) John is in both the AVN and XRCO halls of fame and is all century here.

Mike Horner (AKA Don Hart) 1976-Present:

Unlike the previous all century members Mike is an unsung hero. He looks like a bank teller and has next to no charisma but he has been the most consistent of all of the all century men I have featured so far. His on camera performances have always been good and is among the top 5 best actors the adult film industry has ever known. His finest hour had to be 1993's Justine. The entire film was a masterpiece but Mike's performance was likely his best. He is not in the halls of fame as far as I know but I'm sure he will be soon. Nonetheless he is all century.


Bob Chinn worked 1966-1985(?): Bob Chinn was what we call the working man's director. He could do it all, big budget, one day wonders or stag loops. Bob seldom failed to put out a high quality film every time he got behind the camera. He is credited with both discovering John Holmes and writing and directing the first successful adult film series the James Bond of porn, Johnny Wadd. He wrote and directed the first 10 Johnny Wadd movies and all were enormously popular. Aside from his Johnny Wadd classics he created the naughty nurses genre with the 1978 classic Candy Stripers. Stripers will go down in history as possibly the wildest porn flick ever made. I counted 12 sex scenes in this movie. Video soured Chinn on the industry and he retired in the mid 1980's. He is in the AVN hall of fame and my first all century director.

Cecil Howard worked 1977-about 1987: The only man who could make dark themed pornography work. His triple threat of classics Babylon Pink, Platinum Paradise and Neon Nights showed just how powerful big screen porn could be. His use of special effects in Neon Nights is yet to be topped today. His ability to get the most out of talent slightly lower on the porn totem pole was another great asset. Despite the lack of male superstars working with him all that worked with him were never better then with Howard (Jamie Gillis included). He retired from adult cinema in 1987 but will his work will never be forgotten by anyone who has seen it.

Paul Thomas Actor 1975-1988, Director 1988-Present:

Paul Thomas is the only other performer in the industry that was ever able to put it together as a director. His Vivid movies have single handedly kept Vivid on top in the 1990's. Films like BobbySox and Bad Wives are proof of adult cinema at it's best. Thomas' standard of quality is among the highest in the industry and is the one thing keeping the couple's genre from being completely overtaken by gonzo. The eroticism in his films is second to none and I see him going into the XRCO hall of fame soon but until then he's all century here. John Leslie Director 1985-Present: Complacency is the only thing that hurts any of John Leslie's work as a director. He was the first former leading actor to turn director and to this day is the only one who has matched his acting talents with directing talent. I wasted all of my praise on the previous entry. I will only say this; he is the best period.

FEMALES (I saved the best for last!)

Marilyn Chambers 1973-83, 1999-Present:

The "Ivory Snow" girl has sold more tickets/videos per capita then even Jenna Jameson. Her performances in Behind The Green Door and Insatiable are unmatched. Only Marilyn could have made a movie that made no sense like BTGD that good. Her sexual appetite was unmatched and her ability to make even Harry Reems sexy is a tribute to her talents. A charter XRCO and AVN hall of famer Marilyn was the first XXX theater marquee superstar and is all century!

Rene Bond 1969-1980: For 3 decades Rene was the greatest cocksucker in the history of the industry! She was blessed with the prettiest face ever seen in the industry up to that time. She cut her teeth in the stag loops of the late 60's but unlike so many who fell by the wayside when the features took over she had the talent to make the jump. Despite the fact that her movies were usually seen in packed theaters she was able to make you feel that you were the only one in the room and that she was performing specifically for you. (I know Piston doesn't like girls who play to the camera but I think when a girl is able to do what Rene was able to do she is very special.) An early favorite Rene's salad days were from 1970-1977. She was among the first porn stars to have her own fan club and was very personable with her fans. Rene was a combination of Jennifer Love Hewitt (her level of superior cuteness), Dyanna Lauren (the ability to sing), and Ashlyn Gere (legendary oral skills and great acting to boot!) and in Teenage Fantasies she leaves them all behind. In 1980 Rene Bond retired at the tender age of 31 to raise a family. She hasn't been heard from much since but she is a charter member of the XRCO and AVN halls of fame and I am proud to have her as an all century girl, (even if she was in a Ed Wood movie!)

"Dizzy" Desiree Cousteau 1975-approx. 1982:

One of my all time favorites. She was as beautiful of body as she was light of head. She possessed the most amazing pair of natural breasts ever seen in the industry past or present. Although her acting was rather suspect, (which is why she was always typecast as the ditzy girl,) she was always a very popular face in the late 70's and early 80's. She never won any awards but her cute face and lovely body combined with her willingness to do absolutely anything made her a superstar. She retired in the early 1980's and has never been matched in the nearly 2 decades since she left and is an obvious choice for my all century team.

Kay Parker 1977-1985:

The classiest woman to ever grace the carnal camera Kay entered the industry at the age of 35 and worked well past 40 without ever losing her dignity and class on and off camera. She was possibly the best actress to ever get into the industry and she was a great sexual performer to boot. Her scenes in the first few Taboo movies were true classics. Kay was the ultimate Mrs Robinson fantasy, the seductive older woman and was almost always paired with men quite a bit younger then her. (To this day I am yet to see a scene with her and a man older then her.) Her combination of class, style, acting and passion made her an icon and I didn't even have to think about making her all century.

Juliet "Aunt Peg" Anderson: 1977-1984:

Aunt Peg came into the industry at age 39 and left at 46 without aging a day. She was the original high school teacher fantasy and could do it with both men and women just as good. She was Kay Parker's equal almost every step of the way and their roles in the original Taboo were possibly the greatest casting job ever. Juliet was the female equivalent of John Leslie, a renaissance woman who traveled the world and lived more by 40 then most women live in a lifetime. Her greatest legacy was her greatest discovery, our next all century member.

Nina Hartley 1984-Present:

Juliet Anderson's protege will go down in history as the most important porn actress of the last decade. She is the only true PHD in human sexuality and is the greatest porn ambassador in the industry. With over 450 movies to her credit her place in history is secure but it will take years to fully document what she has done for the industry. One of few women who has always lived on her own terms she may rub some porners the wrong way but because she has gone first so to speak stronger women will continue to come into the industry for more then just crack money. Her level of class is reminscent of Juliet Anderson before her and her sexual performances are the measuring stick for all women who think they can eat pussy or suck dick. Nina makes today's generation of porn girls look like posers with her wealth of experience and ability. It will be a sad day indeed when she finally retires and I respect all that she has done for the industry over the last 15 years and make her an obvious choice for the all century team. Nina Hartey and Anna Malle.

Now I know what you are thinking, why so many old names? Well I am trying to keep things in chronological order. My next installment will feature some more recent names. I have been following the industry for over 12 years so I want to go over everyone I have seen while making this list. If you want anyone on this list please e-mail me (johnnydenim@hotmail.com) and I will see what I can do.