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Archives - Saturday, June 19th, 1999

Porno Apocalypse

Drugs, Violence, Tattoos, Mutilation

Born in 1953, Mark Kramer, a secular Jew, came of age in New York at the same time porno came of age - the late 1960s. While in ninth grade, he schtupped the sister of a porn star. During the early 1970s, Kramer appeared in numerous porn loops. Noticing many of his comrades dropping dead of drug overdoses and other forms of self destruction, he fled to Dallas, Texas in 1976.

Kramer writes to me: "I was working on and in New York City porn in the early Seventies. Among the name porners I worked with were the late Marc “Mr. 10 1/2” Stevens and second-tier smut siren Darby Lloyd Rains. Even back then there’d be coke on the sets. It was Open City all the way.

"I suspect that I am among the very few writers working today to have immersed his flesh in this particular outpost of the Sexual “Revolution”--and then to resurface, almost twenty years later, as a subcultural chronicler and investigative humorist for venues ranging from New York Magazine, The Weekly World News, Screw and the recently defunct Spy to to the Montel Williams show and Inside Edition. Plus Paul Krassner’s The Realist--which, in particular, was a fulfillment of subversive writerly aspirations dating back to my youth.

"Back in the Sixties, growing up in New Jersey, I’d take the bus into New York City on weekends and sometimes on schooldays as a truant , and hang out in the East Village or take acid on the Central Park Great Lawn, where there always seemed to be a love-in or free concert in progress. On the bus ride back to Jersey--if I weren’t too drunk or tripped-out--I’d usually have an assortment of reading material purchased in the City....stuff like Screw, The East Village Other, Zap Comix, After Dark, and Paul Krassner’s The Realist.

"One of earliest stories in The Realist that tuned me into the coming pornocentricity that would ultimately engulf civilization was Ellen Sander’s “The Case of The Cock-Sure Groupies”--a profile of the now-legendary Plaster Casters, two midwestern groupie chicks who made dental-alginate penile casts of pop stars ranging from Jimi Hendrix to The Monkees. . By 1973, my subcultural longings somehow coincided with the downtown Manhattan porn scene--a very specific set of moments in the history of theatrically exhibited pornography,a period of perhaps two years during which it was still possible to refract youthful dreams of radical creativity through a feverish milieu of unbridled optimism whilst commingling one’s essences with total strangers beneath hot lights.

"One of the directors I worked with was Lech Kowalski, best known for the Sex Pistols documentary “D.O.A.” and the first inside-porn documentary “Porno Babies”, where porners were interviewed in their homes and suchlike. Fast-forward to 1976, at which time I’m working the midnight-to-8 AM shift in a 24-hour illegal bar on East Ninth Street called The Kiwi, with a sign in front reading “Warm Beer, Bad Food.” I’m living in a $90.-a -month craphouse on Avenue A. There were narcotics everywhere, muggings and other interpersonal crime were endemic, and the City’s sidewalks flowed like gutters with the festering excrudences of a decaying metropolis. And against this colorfully metrophobian backdrop, my earlier porn experiences represented only the smallest part of my investigations into the urban American underbelly. The intensity with which I lived and worked ultimately hit the wall of disillusionment---perhaps because, at age 24, I felt I didn’t have the intellectual skills or tools to process what was happening around me. So I moved to Dallas, Texas...and did not rematerialize in Gotham until 1986.

"My point being: I was f---ing beautiful Jewish coeds for the camera--and back then it was Arriflex BL--when David Aaron Clark was still enrolled in grade school. Ditto for all the pot-and-acid-drenched sexual hypocrites like Eric Danville and Abby Ehmann and penis amputee Joe Christ---all of whom used Screw, which supposedly celebrates authentic erotic experience, as their grudge-driven vehicle to blacken my name and reputation, or in the violence-prone David Aaron Clark’s case, maybe even blacken my eye. So maybe now you can see why I so much look forward to David Aaron Clark’s upcoming court appearance here."

Kramer returned to New York in 1986, at age 34, wanting to be a writer. After answering an ad in the Village Voice, he started writing for the New York sex weekly Screw in the Spring of 1987. "[Screw editor] Manny Neuhaus would run interference between Al [Goldstein] and I. Basically I was on notice that I could not talk to Al without Manny's permission. Yet, I was expected to be the voice of Al. I was Al's ghostwriter. It was ridiculous. It created this unnecessary additional step in the process of putting out the magazine.

"Gil Reavil wrote Al's editorials for about $500 a month. And to f--- this guy, Manny took it away and gave it to me… And it turned out that I made a great Al proxy… probably some f---ed up Oedipal thing. I really liked being Al and spending time around him. At editorial meetings, I enjoyed bubbling over with ideas. But Manny had this fast rule, that you couldn't say anything in an editorial brainstorming meeting unless you cleared it with him first. He would go around with a clipboard before a meeting and ask, 'what are you going to say?' His argument always was, if you say the wrong thing, Al might like it. And it will make a lot of work for all of us.

"This went on for years… So for years people were sitting there with great ideas… But if you told Manny an idea, he could and would appropriate it as his own. He felt that because he hired me, any of my ideas belonged to him.

"In my Spy story… I had gotten this media kit from a group called the Angry Inchers, a lobbying group for men with small penises. And of course Manny had a very small penis. And it developed that Manny was doing an article on penis size for Joe Weider's Muscle Magazine. His only published story since the Ford administration. I showed him this and he took it and presented it as his idea.

"During one editorial meeting, Al Goldstein said, 'somebody told me that the San Francisco Spectator is a better paper than Screw. Why the f--- is that?' Manny knew that I knew that in the face of Al's proprietary mania, Manny had been double dipping. He had been selling Screw reprints to the Spectator and Al did not know it. And Al still does not know it. And Manny had been publishing stories in Screw that had supposedly run in the Spectator. And these are supposedly rivals…

"Two stories by Manny's friend Larry Tritten appeared in both Screw and Spectator with out Al's knowledge and without acknowledgement… This is my first publishing job and I am seeing the mad arbitrariness of the things that Manny is doing. He's daring somebody to tell Al why some people are saying that the Spectator is better. Al would've gone on a Stalinesque purge had he known… Josh Alan Friedman was the best writer Screw ever had… But Al just left everything to Manny…

"Manny was an erotophobe, caught in an unpleasant marriage. He has no friends, no social life, no interests, no connection to a community…"

Luke: "What's the deal between you, Eric Danville at Penthouse (formerly with High Times and Screw magazine) and his wife Abby Ehmann?"

Mark: "They've been bad mouthing me all over… Eric dished me and my Joe Christ story in Screw… Eric was a Manny Neuhaus protégé and was very close with David Clark. Eric did Joe Christ's bidding. Eric's wife was badmouthing me at a zine conference…

"Someone did a magazine story called Fear and Loathing in Joe Christ's Pants. And this guy was at a zine conference, and Abby, in full earshot of all these people, went on and on about what a psychopath and a liar I am. And Nick Z, filmmaker, had to step in and say, 'whatever you think of him, Mark is a good writer…'

"David Clark wrote about ten things about Joe Christ in Screw… David Clark has written at least twice in books anthologized by Joe Christ's wife Nancy Collins. She paid him and she advanced his career. And yet, here is a guy who works at Screw magazine, supposedly the world's preeminent voice of unblinking candor, and truth, and investigative prurience…praising a guy who cut off his dick. Not only did Clark not investigate this, he appears in the movie with Christ, in which the missing dick appears. You can go to my site and see a picture of the stump.

"Joe Christ's wife, Nancy A. Collins, published the book SUNGLASSES AFTER DARK, a nouveau vampire genre…where the vampire is a punk. She then published several horror anthologies like Forbidden Acts, which included work by David Clark and other Screw writers. Who then wrote complimentary stuff about her hubby Joe Christ, who came out of bands in Oklahoma and Texas. In the late 1980s, in an amphetamine-induced state, he lost his penis, either by directly cutting it off or by shooting cocaine into his penis, it got gangrene, and had to be amputated. Joe Christ came to New York, where he shot sardonic videos with naked fat girls and lots of fake blood. Joe made a 1995 movie called Sex, Blood and Mutilation, starring Dave Clark and a dickless man, Joe Christ."

Luke talked to David Aaron Clark 7/6/98:

Luke: "Do you like to be dominated by women?"

David: "Some women. Fewer and fewer as I get older. I've had some unfortunate meetings with women over the past few years who've thought, 'this is the famous masochist David Aaron Clark. He's going to fall to my feet and kiss my boots.' A woman has to earn my respect and I haven't met anyone in a couple of years who's earned the right…

"Masochism was therapy for me. I dated a girl [Jean Leslie] when I first started at Screw who committed suicide by jumping out a window. She was also a singer in my band. She was a hooker. I was so devastated by her suicide. It came out of her drug problem.

"She moved out of my house into a womens only SRO - single room occupancy. She took up her speed and cocaine habits again after she left me. One night the police came to my house and said, 'will you please come identify this body.' She had jumped out the window. July 9th, 1993.

"Her death was devastating to me. I had dabbled S-M before that, but after her suicide, I got deeply into it, working out Catholic guilt issues and so forth. And I've worked out many of those issues. I no longer psychologically need to be abused.

"I look down my nose at people who get into S-M because it is fashionable. For me, it was visceral. It grew out of my life circumstances. It wasn't picking up Skin Two and said 'Damn, people look good in rubber.' Though I did get adopted by that crowd because I was flamboyant."

Luke: That black outfit is disturbing.

David: Only to little old ladies and you Luke.

Luke: The glorification of death bothers me.

David: "I embrace life and death. I think everybody is dysfunctional. That is the price of consciousness. We are the only species to have a soul. We're blessed and damned at the same time. The chicks dig it. Especially the disturbed chicks."

Mark Kramer: "What distinguishes my case from that of Josh Alan Friedman--who threatened to throw Manny out Screw's 11th floor window-was that Neuhaus, who considered me his disloyal "discovery", encouraged my successors--Clark and Danville, both of whom penned in Screw unprovoked attacks on me--to blacken my name whenever the opportunity arose. This campaign was facilitated by the arrival of penis amputee Joe Christ on the scene--hungry for publicity and working hard to stay one step ahead of the severed-penis scandal.

"Ultimately Joe Christ's penopathy merged with David Aaron Clark's blood-fetish amid Manny Neuhaus' troubled, and possibly criminal, reign at Screw.

"This is trickle down economics. There was something going on [in the early '90s] in the world of comic book publishing. It was like a snake swallowing a small animal… You could see this blob of capital traveling through that world briefly. Dave Clark had books published. Joe Christ had a little thing going. The Pot Dealers and the Psychadelic Solution had a thing going. Joe Christ interacted with all these people, and because I'd written this piece in the New York press about penile mutilation, Joe Christ was on a fulltime crusade to defame me.

"I was living in a SRO (Single Room Occupancy) hotel room and publishing lots… I wasn't paying much attention to Clark's writing on Christ. I didn't hang out with these people. But when I published the blood story in Newsday, all the poison spewed out… The boil was lanced… David Clark told people that I had stolen his idea for the blood story.

"Here, approximately verbatim, is the copy I filed with Newsday on the blood article. Take note of how the following in no way reflects the two Kramer-bashing items Clark had written in the months that preceded it. Again, the Clark text was deleted by New York Newday editor Stanley Mieses, for both space reasons and because he, Stanley, adjudged Clark's blood-schtick to be less authentic than those of the artists that ultimately appeared in the finished piece. It was written in October of 1993."

"Pain without blood is like orgasm without semen", theorizes former SCREW staffer David Aaron Clark. Clark works both both sides of the blood/brain barrier-- in performances in which his lavishly tattooed thorax is offered up to the scalpel of his kittenishly consanguinous collaborator, Joanne Vargas. As the steely-eyed 19-year-old brunette, clad in leather panties and a studded halter, carves a cross into Clark's chest with surgical precision, his features convulse into a mask of genuine torment. With rivulets of blood transcepting his ursine chest, Clark intones, "Every time you force open a door between the sticky pores of my flesh, my body shudders with the headlong thrust of my spirit trying to surf its way on the pounding bloodwaves of my heart."

Clark recently elicited a flurry of tabloidal interest summarized in the New York Post headline "Porn editor all cut up after spat with kinky cutie". Ironically, the impromptu domestic knife play that landed the beefy, hirsute 33-year old Clark in St. Vincent's Hospital and kittenish 19-year-old collaborator Joanne Vargas in jail was richly reminiscent of their live stage act. In these cavalcades of consanguinity, the steely-eyed brunette , clad in leather panties and a studded halter, applies a scalpel with religio-surgical precision to Clark's lavishly tattooed thorax until his features convulse into a mask of genuine torment and rivulets of blood transcept his ursine chest. The remaining stations of the cross are then marked with such sacremental appliances as nipple clamps, dildos and the occasional branding iron.

"Not everybody is into the high art of it," admits Clark, a hopelessly lapsed Catholic, "Some people are just drawn to the sight of blood. I guess you could call it the Geek Factor..." Clark has declined to press charges against his alleged assailant-although their engagement is off for the time being.


Kramer remembers the day in 1994 when Clark, after Kramer had left him an obscene message about f---ing his late girlfriend Jean Leslie, punched him. The attack took place on December 14 at Psychadelic Solution, in the West Village, 33 West 8th Street. Mark was reviewing an art exhibition for New York magazine. The show was called "Finale," the gallery's final show of psychadelic art.

Mark: "Clark by this time had already published a picture of me jerking off a squirrel [1992]. He'd published a letter against me… "So I said to Clark, if you think I stole your story, then you also think that I didn't f--- your girlfriend for three bags of cocaine [Mark gave her three bags. He concluded later it was not worth it.] I left him a message saying that." Clark's hooker drug addict girlfriend Jean Leslie had recently committed suicide.

"Only reason I ever met her was because she was staying across the hall with a friend of mine named Char at 55 First Avenue. She leapt out a flophouse window--The Martha Washington Hotel-- in a speed-induced frenzy as cops broke down the door.

"Then I heard that Dave Clark was after me. He was going to kick my ass. I did not take it seriously. We're supposedly hard bitten pornographers. We deal in hyperbole. The whole world of Screw, underground comics, the whole world of pornography is all about dissing and slurring and disparaging… Come on man [Clark], you work for Al Goldstein, the king of f--- you.

"I basically forgot about it. I got this gig for New York magazine. I am all excited. So these hippies that time forgot, called me, and said, 'Kramer, get over to the Psychadelic Solution. There's a special reception.' So the setup began. I get over there and the first person I see is Joe Christ's wife. She runs to the back of the room to Joe Christ… "I go to work. I'm carrying my laptop. I'm drinking Cranberry juice. I've got a notebook and pen and I'm wearing glasses. And 15 minutes later, Dave Clark walks in, and comes right for me. He says, 'do you want to do it here or do you want to do it outside?' I said, 'Dave, I'm working.' He said, 'f--- your work,' and he hit me in the face and knocked my glasses off. Both my hands were filled. He got me in a headlock and people broke it up and that was the end of it.

"And Joe Christ came up to me and said, 'whatever you do man, don't call the police.' Because the place reeked of pot. And I'm no narc. I'm not going to get all these people arrested. "So at some point I leave. And there's Dave out there with a photographer, and a whole clutch of people from Screw including their news photographer Don Deczick. And at that moment, my new girlfriend shows up. She's famous. She's a serious person. She's not used to this scene.

"And there's Dave Clark, who says, 'if you don't apologize to me right now, I'm going to kick your ass. I don't care if I go to jail. I don't give a s--- about anything. So I said, 'I'm sorry. But hey man, you wrote a thing about me jerking off a squirrel.' "He said, 'I don't give a f--- about that. You better apologize to me or I am going to kick your ass.' "Hey, I'm sorry. And I left.

"And then Joe Christ writes a letter on behalf of the owner of Psychadelic Solution to New York magazine telling them that I am a crack head… That I was drunk and spilling drinks on people. Telling them that I picked a fight. And all this other s---. It was all false. And they just went ballistic at New York magazine and they never hired me again. They'd never received anything like this. And it hurt man. My career went into a tailspin."

Photographer Clayton Patterson also attended the reception. He writes: "Yes I was at Psychadelic Solution the night Mark Krammer was beaten up; well, at least was punched. Mark was struggling for his health at his time. He was very poor and was living in a crack invested hotel called the Jane West. Mark was not involved in the trade of the hotel. This hotel is at the bleeding end of the gay flesh market. Mark was, as always, working at writing. No matter how difficult the times, Mark, without question is a writer. We are talking about a seriously difficult struggle. Mark had slid off the boat into the ruff sea and was digging his stub bitten nails into the wood trying to pull his way back up to, at the very least , the plank. I admire the fact that he fought back. Fought back and won! Mark's survival is a miracle. Many a stronger soul has been lost in smaller storms.

"Mark is tough. In this his darkest hour there was a small reprieve, a tinny little light, off in the distance. He had an opportunity to write a small piece for the New York Magazine. He had the perfect gig. He know the gallery, he understood the sub text of the art and had a sharp pencil. Mark came early to the opening. He was oven cleaner clean. He was drinking cranberry juice straight up. No ice, no booze. Clearly focused. I had just finished speaking to Mark, and was headed towards the back gallery room. Suddenly, David Aaron Clark, a person who I had always known as a gentleman, thundered into the room. Mr. Clark, dashed his large chunky frame directly towards Mark Karma, lifting his 30 lb turkey breast fist and drove it into the side of Mr. Karma's head. Smack! Karma moved around, and proposed the question of what are you doing to me? People were shocked and wide eyed. This was suppose to be the palace of love. The toke filled happy hippies. This was a dark end to a very unique under ground art scene. Too bad. This place was the best.

"Mark felt that the most honorable thing to do was to leave. So he did. He went home fulfilled his a job obligation and wrote the Gothem article. Believe it or not, his luck got even worse. The Upper East Side yuppies at New York Magazine rewrote his piece in such a way as it would humiliate and outrage everyone that had been at the opening. The down your nose hostility made it to sound as if the gallery owner had a crack heads head, covered in oily dirty hair ( a man with especially fine, well manicured, curly thick Jewish locks, soaped and hand cleaned by pale Asian Virgins and cost $150 to be pulled back into a swish buckler pony tail) and was just plan stupid. Why would well educated, well paid, well bred, well situated, have everything people be so nasty to someone who was on the verge of life and death. These narcissists are not good people. This struggle has become Mark's life. It is a different path than I would have chosen. I would like to have seen peace made between some of these people over the years. So I differ from Mark on some of these points. However he did make it through and is still writing. I assure you with his dedication and pit bull strength I always want to stay on his good side. And yes, he is still writing. God bless him."

Kramer says about Screw: "These people were the custodians of porno culture… The self satirical thread running through this is that the guy who's fanning the flames all along has no dick. This is Screw, man. This is about getting your dick sucked. This guy only has a stump.

"Al was always exposing hypocrisy…press coverups… Saying, this is a lie. This is deception… And in the middle of all this, you have Joe Christ getting in Screw all the time. And Joe Christ gets in a movie… And in the movie he says, 'I cut my dick off to enhance my sexual pleasure. Women like it better.' It's an ode to genital mutilation.

"I've had heavy duty lawyers contact me from Joe Christ and Nancy Collins, threatening to shut down the site with my book on it, Dickless in Babylon: The Joe Christ Story.

"These hippies that time forgot invited some Spy [magazine] people to their pot dealing salon who described it in exquisite detail and just changed the names. And it is no different today than when Spy wrote it.

Kramer: "This is a weird glandular comedy of manners linked to the porn canon. When Clark attacked me in that gallery it set in motion a juggernaut of events that hurt my life. He skipped off to San Francisco, then John Bone and Extreme…

"Dave Clark must've known that Joe Christ had no dick but he covered it up in his own monetary interest. And that coverup took the form of an attack on me in a public place, a letter to New York magazine and other pranks that you would not believe. They called Tom Cruise's agent, saying they were me, trying to get me fired from The Globe [supermarket tabloid].

"I think Joe Christ had a side pot concession. And the pot dealers, the hippie couple who time forgot, writes for Screw. And ran the Screw pot concession. And Joe Christ was part of this small change pot operation. And Joe Christ worked at Psychadelic Solution. It's part of the function of whoever writes the Naked City column for Screw to beat the drums for the Psychadelic Solution.

"Christ has impressively has harnessed the machinery of priapism in pornography to create his myth while at the same time he has no penis. Which would be a private matter if he had not appeared in a 1995 movie with Dave Clark (two years after I wrote that he did not have a dick). And in the movie, there's a guy with a missing dick. We've given him every opportunity to drop his pants and prove he's got a dick… If he's so risque and bodacious, why can't he do that? Dave Clark drops his pants all the time."

Contacted for comment on this story, David Clark said 6/13/99, "I don't comment on crack heads. But yes, I did punch him."

Kramer responds: "As an avoidance mechanism, Dave Clark et al reduce the whole thing to "I don't comment on crack heads" lest they face the sad truth about how they squandered their opportunities in alternative cultures.. "I don't comment on crack heads": I'm sure that's what he'll say to the judge in court here when he's finally called to account for his criminality and asked why he punched a writer at an art-gallery soiree.... Luke, what happened didn't have anything to do with drugs. As I've told you, and this is fact-checkable, was that I was there for one reason only, and that was on assignment for New York magazine. Ultimately, I think that's what galled Clark...that a "crack head" had overcome the Screw stigma and was getting some real exposure for the ideas that porn operative Clark thought were "his"... BTW: There's a former Screw illustrator named Scott Cunningham whom Clark menaced with threats of violence in Screw workplace..."

Oy writes about the "Mark Kramer vs. David Clark Controversy":: BAM! POW! SNARF! And whatta slug-fest it WAS! Far fukkin OUT! Incidently, the hippie couple that David Aaron Clark is raving about bears a certain dead-on resemblance to Leo and Wendy in SPY's "The Hippies That Time Forgot." Here's an excerpt. As they say at "The World's Greatest Newspaper"--read it and wipe. HAW!


Leo's apartment-in the East Village 57 Second Avenue; NY NY, of course, he told me over the phone--was like a little museum, jammed full of pop culture detritus from 1968: Marshall McLuhan's UNDERSTANDING MEDIA, Lenny Bruce op posters, Haight-Ashbury posters, dog-eared psychedelic postcards and dusty psychedelic record albums, freestanding dust, clay pipes, huge Ziplocs of marijuana and--could such things be?--plastic, proto-hippie troll dolls with the navels and blowsy hair and pug noses. On each of the two windows was a mandala decal. On the mirror a sheet of paper said "NOTHING" in giant computer type.

Leo (not, alas, his real name) has had the apartment since 1970 and had hung out there since 1968. The only more recent items I noticed were a lamp, minus the bulb, that had designed in the shape of a mushroom cloud, and a copy of THE TOWER COMMISSION REPORT. Only its conspiratorial subject matter kept the glossy TOWER paperback from being an anachronism. Leo has blond hair to his shoulders, a close-cropped grey-flecked beard, squinty eyes. His wife, Wendy (also a pseudonym) hair and black-framed futurama glasses. She knelt at a drafting board and injected an occasional comment into his rap. Its delivered in the simultaneously sardonic and earnest manner of the hipster of long ago: a stretched-out deadpan, dragged on and drawled almost to the point of parody.

Like so many of the never-say-die sixties creatures I encountered, Leo is a theorist stewing in his own musky intellectual juices, a social critic-cum-monologuist who is his own most respectful audience. One by one he picked out details of comtemporary life and shook them, bashed them, rejected them. SATURDAY NIGHT LIVE? "BAH. People enjoy jokes because they become acclimated to jokes, so they want jokes about the usual comedic modalities."

Complicated adult emotions? BAH. Today, with the conquest of disease and famine, he says, anyone's life is duller than the example given in movies...[so] everybody turns their lives into a soap opera. And the centerpiece of the sixties--rock 'n'roll. BAH. From the conservative point of view, there's no better phenomenon than rock'n'roll... A whole bunch of people yelled and screamed. But nothing's happened...STATISTICALLY.

After he had reviled and dismissed my present and left only his cache of hippie icons floating in front of me, groused about his sixties as well. "I ended up at Woodstock. I didn't bother listening to the music. It was too horrible to try and sit there. This whole hillside had turned into, like, this mud hill, and it had this REEK to it that was too much to take. It was really difficult. The place was crowded to the gills. The whole hillside was crowded with people, and you had to walk among them in this kind of muddy gook. And the stench was intense.

While we were talking a young man and a young woman were led in, the young woman in a dress, the young man in a button-down shirt. got the point. I suppose you're here for that wonderful blotter acid we had last week. It was 1966! Now as then, square kids from suburbia were beginning to filter into the Village to get turned on. SQUARE KIDS? I was mistaken.

"I want to say," the girl said, awestruck and shy, "that I had half a hit and it was just SO BEAUTIFUL." Leo nodded. And then he said what any acid head would have said 20 years ago in reply. "It's made," he announced, "by OWSLEY." Then he sold them his LSD at $5 a hit.

They handled the retail pleasantries and Leo was sardonic and the kids left. I had been hoping to find friendly, hopeful hippies with values I would find heartwarming and could condescend to. Instead, I just condescended. This permanent hippie had created no new worldview and kept no sustaining faith in the old one. I tried to maneuver him into saying that something was better than something else, to value some value. "I'm better at figuring out the inconsistencies if somebody wants this or that. That's how I criticize things... It's not the moral question, it's more of a logical question."

At last: a hippie logician. Not just logic, it turned out--hippie calculus, pure hippie research, M.C. Escher-ism run amok. "I'm a mathematician," Leo said finally, a little annoyed at my attempts to pin him down. "Here, look, tons of things. Here, this, tons of stuff, here!," he said, becoming excited for the first time, moving around the room, picking up handfuls of proofs and theorems and shoving them at me. "Little mathematical notes and things!"

He showed me a Rubik's Cube-like device shaped like a star. "Alexander's Star. See this? I invented that!...It was a great way to make money!" Finally he handed me a piece of graph paper on which a triangular design was drawn.. Would it, at last, explain the sixties? If you count the little triangles that are coming up in each column, Leo said, you get 1,1,2,1,3,2,3,1,4,3,5,2,5,3, 4,1,5,4,7,3,8,5,7,2,5,8,3,8,7.

Email to Luke: "Screw the "ordained" critics. Those of use who read your web site faithfully have learned the style of your writing and have adapted to it so we should enjoy your book. As for Joe Christ, the story I got is that he got wasted and put on a cock ring. These allow the blood to go in but not out much like a tournetkit (sp). Allegedly, Joe Christ/wasted fell asleep with the cock ring on and as with the tourniquet were you have to occasionally allow blood flow to prevent gangrene. This didn't happen so when Joe Christ finally woke up with a "talkingblue" dick he went to the hospital and was informed that there was not a pill to correct this. Since then he has been trying to transform this alleged drunken screw-up into an artistic statement. Don't try this cock-ring thing at home or while under the influence."

Email: "Luke, I checked out the Joe Christ site. I know he thinks he's being really edgy and it may shock some of your readers, however I found it to be a yawn. The whole cut-off-your-penis movement was happening in the early '90's, including normal straight guys who were telling us (females) that they would like to cut it off, not be bothered by it, not at it's mercy. It just seemed like another ploy to try to seduce us, since they were supposedly admitting to their sexism and patriarchal dominance. The fact that Joe actually cut his off at this time (early 90's) doesn't surprise me. At that time too there was a lot of gender-wars, transgenders were even considered "cool". At that time I found it distasteful, not edgy, but I was not shocked at the depths some guys would go to to seduce women. However, good for Joe Christ for having an audience, but to me it's boring, been there, done that."

DM writes: "Hey luke i guess max hardcore is a fan of your web-site because after that guy e-mailed you saying max was posting "golden pics" up on his web-site but didn't believe him thinking it was just an so-called actress in his movie named golden, well up on his site now has golden pics followed by its pissing dumb-ass at the bottom so i guess that was his reply to that e-mail. Anyway i checked it out and in fact its true he does have 3 mpegs of him pissing in a girls mouth each lasting one mintue. One of the girls really loves the stuff and gets into it but the blond one you can tell isn't having any of it and wants out but max holds her hair while pissing in her mouth. Just in case your members are wondering to check out his site forget about it, his site sucks you should save your money these pissing mpegs are like 3 minutes in total and his site doesn't have much more to offer."

From a www.salon.com article on barbarism at a Serbian police station: "KFOR soldiers who discovered the torture devices say they also came across a collection of hardcore pornography that featured devils, werewolves and vampires torturing women. "We were shocked," said Lt. Dave Blakeley, the British paratroop who took over the station from the Serbian police on Tuesday. "I was shocked when I saw the weapons. But I was most horrified by the bed, filled with bullet holes, with leather belts, next to the most violent pornography, that showed men dressed up like werewolves and vampires involved with women.""

Email: "Kid Vegas is now partnered up with John Bone shooting shows. He shot today at the "new studio" Vegas has been telling everyone about. The studio is the crummy insert stage at Cream Entertainment. Ever wonder why Ross has given Vegas so much web-play on his site in the last weeks? Certainly not because it's been interesting or important (as if anything that happens in Porndom is actually important). Maybe it's because of his (Ross') relationship with Bone? And maybe he knew this John Bone/Kid Vegas partnership was in the offing? And maybe, just maybe, theres a little something in it for Ross?"

Email: "Do you or anybody you know happen to know what happened to Brandy Bosworth aka, Delta Force? A friend and I could swear we saw her working as an instructor at a gym in Atlanta, Ga."

Lenscap1 replies to Brandy Alexandre on RAME: "The 'Boys Club' [comment] has me confused. Am I to understand that if a movie is produced, it can only be distributed to the marketplace through a defined network? And within this network is where the problem lies? Reading RAME and Luke F-rd's site, it seems that these producers/directors/production companies are constantly fighting among themselves, both on a personal and professional level, yet videos still make it to market (granted some of the quality/content is horrific). Producer/director Rodney Moore comes to mind. He seems, for all intents and purposes, to be outside such a network, an individual of sorts, making movies that he wants, using talent that he wants, all the while being lambasted by 'big company' types and always receiving terrible reviews from AVN. Yet he continues to be extremely commercially successful and his product always has distribution. I'm sure that there is a lot of behind the scenes particulars in the porn business, but it just seems strange that with 7000-8000 videos (of all types) released last year alone, it would be so difficult to get one to market."

Fatstutterboy writes on RAME: "Porn stars secretly f---ing mainstream celebrities has become an old tradition. The reasoning of it is simple, from the celebrities stand point it's cheap and easy sex, without any commitment. From the porn performers point of view, it's something they can brag about, and have a moment to all ways remember and cherish. But Jenna has made it all most an art form. I've read and heard Jenna screwed Damon Wayons, Joe Montanna, Jos'e Canseco, Marilyn Manson, Drew Barrymore, Tommy Lee, Jerry Seinfeld, Ricky Willams, Slash, Andy Dick, Drew Carey, Dennis Rodman, Jason Preistly, Eddie Murphy, and of course, like everyone else in porn, Charlie Sheen."

Johnny Denim writes: "Nina Hartley's mainstream sex epic "Bubbles Galore" (a movie funded by the Canadian government!) made it's Canadian TV debut on Showcase TV at 1:00 AM CDT tonight. It was completely uncut and was the most explicit film ever shown on Canadian cable tv other then on PPV. I think this would be a film best suited for the Lilith Fair crowd rather then the raincoat crowd. It is very touchy feely and totally feminist. The one lesbian scene with Nina and her lovely protoge is marvelous but if I see Annie Sprinkle's hairy armpits again I'm going to slash my wrists! This movie had good intentions and Nina was Nina and that alone usually can carry a flick but this was too artsy for my tastes. It was made for over 100,000 dollars but it was obviously shot on video so the quality wasn't as good as some Vivid films I have seen for bigger budgets. It reeked of a bad Canadian tv show, (which mostly suck!) Interestingly the bald guy who played Buck looked like an aging Kid Sparkle. I give this attempt at a legit sex film a 6 out of 10 with an 8 out 10 for effort. Despite it's faults it was the best money the Canadian Government has spent in decades!"

Fan writes to Rodney Moore: "I heard a comment you made in one of your films, that the reviewers at AVN Magazine didn't care for your work. You said that you didn't care for them also. I'm pleased. Most of the reviewers that work for AVN wouldn't know good hot porno if someone poured it in their pants. I have seen more bad films based on their recommendations than one could imagine. Last night I saw "Creme de la Face #'s 29&32", they were excellent."

Joe: hey Luke, I went to Border's to get your book today but they didn't have it Luzdedos1: order it :) Joe: should it be in stores by now? Luzdedos1: it is someplaces Joe: I think I'll order it through amazon.com. does it make any financial difference to you who I order it from? Luzdedos1: no Joe: any pictures in it? Luzdedos1: no Joe: ah Luke, how can you write a book about porn and not include pictures? Luzdedos1: i submitted some, publisher did not use them Joe: that's too bad. I'd like to see one of you hugging Gene Ross :)Joe: so what's the plan now that the book's out? do you plan to keep updating the website? Luzdedos1: yes, for a while, till God tells me to do something else. :) Joe: how about a book on an industry slightly less phony and sleazy? like pro wrestling? :) Luzdedos1: lol, i think first I will read some books on how to write a book