Corey leaves Ideal Image Models and starts 360 Models

360 Models Agency

Corey has been with Ideal Image Models for years. He co-founded it about 6 years ago and now as of about a month ago, Corey left the agency, giving everything over to Tee Reel.

But instead of retiring Corey has decided to start his own agency 360 Models (

360 Models Agency

It’s interesting that after 6 years, the original owner and co-founder would just walk away from a company like that and start anew.  But being the classy guy that he is, Corey didn’t have a single negative thing to say about his former partner Tee Reel and ‘the rumored to be struggling’ Ideal Image Models. All he had to say was that he felt like it was time to start fresh and try new things.

Although his agency is new, he already has a full roster of hotties and seems to be doing well. And as a legally licensed agent in the state of California, I’ve added him to the LIB porn agents list.





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