Jenna Jameson’s Lousy Weekend

picture of Britney & Jenna from Britney’s twitter


Poor Jenna has had a really crappy weekend according to TMZ and social media. First it’s reported that yesterday, she was on her way to her own birthday party when she was detained by police for suspicion of battery.

A few hours ago Jenna sent a tweet accusing her assistant (former transgendered porn performer) Britney Markham of robbing Jenna’s house.

from Jenna’s twitter-

WOW just got

Robbed by a friend @britneymarkham she accused me of gusting her, and them broke into my home and took everything

I hope things get better for Jenna, and she has a wonderful Birthday, on the 9th.



37 thoughts on “Jenna Jameson’s Lousy Weekend

  1. jeremysteele11 says:

    gusting her?

    Was it the transgender friend’s idea for JJ to get all that surgery so that they can look more like each other?

  2. jeremysteele11 says:

    The TMZ comments are a lot better than the article:


    16 hours ago
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    Gross tool. Yuck.
    16 hours ago
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    That guy, Tito Ortiz, as much of a giant, meathead, retard as he is, has to be getting sick of her. She’s a mess(not a hot one).
    16 hours ago
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    Arrested for battery? Yeah, on her face! So stupid when these idiots get all that work done to their face and you can’t even recognize them anymore. Rich and insecure maybe???
    16 hours ago
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    She could batter me anytime.
    16 hours ago
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    My birthday is Monday. Whoo hoo… Did she batter with her vayjay?
    16 hours ago
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    She has no azz
    16 hours ago
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    Lol Maybe she thought her bday gift was Mud Wrestling. . . .W/out MUD!
    16 hours ago
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    Jim in Cali

    Remember when this chick was hot? Yikes.
    16 hours ago
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    The most overrated porn star in history.
    16 hours ago
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    She assaulted me in Newport beach I’m a transexual women and I was her assistant/friend Thers ALOT to the story
    16 hours ago
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    Anything for attention. Yawn. Hollywood is so cookie cutter boring these days.
    16 hours ago
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    I once flew into a rage when I discovered there weren’t enough candles on my cake at my 30th birthday party. These things happen sometimes.
    16 hours ago
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    Should have been arrested for all that plastic surgery.
    16 hours ago
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    Blonds have more fun….
    15 hours ago

  3. jeremysteele11 says:

    These jackasses at TMZ also made it top news reporting about Alexis Texas’ refusal to work with black guys. All the important things we need to know.

  4. Bla de Bla says:

    @ #3

    I tried to watch a TMZ report on some trashy Yank shit or another not so very long ago & I only got two minutes into it before I had to hit wikipedia to make sure TMZ wasnt a dedicated gay site .

    After that two minutes I was fully aware of why & have full sympathy for any & all mass murders in America who have opened fire & indiscriminately killed as many as possible .

    That aside ,

    What the hell does Alexis Texas think she is ?

    Free to make her own decisions or something ?

    Lemme tell ya, if she was back home in good ol’ Africa & not out there in that African Colony she would be in tha cooking pot right about now simmering for tomorrows dinner !

    UNGA BUNGA !!!

  5. @jeremysteele11 im really not sure why u and some smiler ignorands like u saying that she had facial surgeries. i was huge fan of her between 2000-2005. i still have a lot of her scenes and photosets from that time on old HDD. for me its the same face. she just like crazy meakups these days. if u seen these no makeup pics of pornstars by Melissa u should know that u can do everything with makeup. u can find a lot pics of Jenna with no makeup or soft makeup on her twitter and she looks the same on these pics like 10 years ago. i guess she probably use botox but show me woman after 30 who not use it these days.

    Jenna is at last great person and always respected her fans and still doing it even now when she is retired for so many years. hope she is ok.

  6. jeremysteele11 says:

    I hope she is ok, too. Shes had lip work, tho, correct, mr. Song?

  7. Bla de Bla says:

    Looks like she fucked her face up to me .

    Womin, generally speaking cant handle any kinda success, it goes to their head & they end up thinking they are ruler of tha universe or some kinda fucked up shit like that .

    They start believing their own bullshit & end up destroying tha qualities that made them so attractive .

    Id say that for whatever reason they have no man they can trust to keep em in line & a fucked up plastic surgery face is tha price they pay for that.

    No one stays on top forever so either stay in or get out, nobody wants yesterdays news swanning around like shes owed a free lunch .

  8. @jeremysteele11 she had injection on lips few years back and i must say it looked really bad (she looked like Donald Duck) but they look normal now. there are two variants of lips injections permanent and not permanent. if u choose that not permanent variant lips going back to normal after like 6 months.

  9. Bla de Bla says:

    Trout mouth, like Jack Nicholson as the Joker in the 1989 Batman.

  10. jeremysteele11 says:

    Im glad to hear it, song

  11. Actually she’s been pretty open about her plastic surgery … she has had her lips, checks and eyes done

  12. Sandy Bunz says:

    Where was Tito? He seems to be not part of any of the media stories of the incident. Likewise nothing is mentioned of the fact that the accuser is a transgender pornstar by most media reports. Where was Tito? Probably training. For all we know Jenna misses the cameras and is filming ruff stuff with Ms. Markham.

  13. Sandy Bunz says:

    TMZ stands for their audience “” THE MOVIE ZOMBIES “”.

  14. jeremysteele11 says:

    TMZ =

    Turd Makers Zone
    Tawdry Movie Zealots
    Tele-Mind Zapper
    Televised Mental Zone
    Televised Media Zoo
    Tranquilized Mind Zone
    T.V. (that) Means Zero
    Too Many Zionists

  15. Wow is it me or do some people on this site, sound a lot alike?

  16. Larry Horse says:

    Meanwhile Gene Ross is still milking the Rob Black teet, what a lazy fuck.

  17. jeremysteele11 says:

    He used to work for him, must b a habit.

  18. jeremysteele11 says:

    test. fuck your moderation bullshit cindi. seriously. i’m sick of this fucking shit. I am nothing like that fucking Nazi I am 1/2 of the thing he despises, blkman30.

  19. jeremysteele11 says:

    It’s you, B l a c k m a n 3 0 (I finally figured out what’s putting my posts on moderation) I am part Jew. But I am anti Zionist. I am nothing like that skinhead posting on here. If a President isn’t assassinated, he’s doing something wrong. He’s full of shit. Otherwise he wouldn’t be in office. Kennedy said he wanted to dismantle the CIA into 1000 pieces. You know what happened to him. That was a message to all Presidents since. Presidents are not elected by the people but by the “elite” running this country (into the ground). They are picked long in advance. We are being played and Obama is the latest puppet. Kennedy’s dad had mob ties. They expected him to not be the idealist he ended up being. They fixed that “mistake” and have been more careful since choosing their puppet Presidents. Back n forth, back n forth we go left n right, both parties which are controlled. It’s a joke. Wake up.

  20. dicpusini says:

    Looks like the two LIB BFFs put on their tinfoil hats again. Is their real goal to reduce the value of this website by driving away all posting members?

  21. WTF jeremy wow! I agree again with dicpusini, some people on this site are really crazy or the same person!

  22. I came on this site to talk about porn not deal with crazy people and there racist views.

  23. Bla de Bla says:

    @ dicpusini #19

    Quit being such an intolerant old asswipe Grandma !

    Members indeed !

    Its a fuckin blog open to tha public fer fuck sake not a private members club .

    If you cant handle open society missus its time for you to live under certain restrictions but dont be trying to saddle me with your inability to socialize adequately.

  24. jeremysteele11 says:

    I am not racist b l k m a n 3 0 and I hold up mirrors of the crazy world, that does not necessarily make me crazy. Why does Cindi have your name as a bad word. Maybe she thinks you’re an idiot too. You are in agreement with one of the biggest idiots and lowlifes in the history of porn, btw, and you have no idea. Remember how many people were crying in joy when Obama won? He was supposed to represent something. It was a crock. Look at his policies. According to some people up very high, he was chosen by the elite because people would be blinded by this false idealism for the masses, and assume because of his ethnic mix, he’d be sensitive and a crusader for those being stomped under the boot… but he’s only furthered Bush’s policies. And he THANKED Bush for his “great service” upon inauguration. If Mother Theresa was President but did the same things I would say people fell for the idea that she cared and was a sweet old lady. In no mother fucking way would that statement mean I am disrespecting old ladies who are supposed to be servants of the people. DO YOU FUCKING GET IT? Hillary Clinton is a woman and a lot of stupid people think “If only a woman was in office things would be better”. THEY are the ones who come up with this shit knowing a lot of people would fall for it. Just because I point this out does not make me a bigot you ignoramus!

    And orthodox Rabbis saying Zionism and Judaism are diametrically opposed and even that the state of Israel should not exist. Are these Rabbis racist against Jews? If they are then you’re right. I’m Archie Bunker. Fucking moron!

  25. Bla de Bla says:

    Yer an antisemitic racist Brando ! D’uhh !

    You think that because ya see tha ball that ya know tha game & tha truth of tha matter is ya canne see tha woods fer tha trees let alone dictate tha odds .

    Ohhh Yeaaaaa !!!

  26. dicpusini says:

    The two lesser feathers have each other’s back again.

    @ Tweedledum: you wear the tinfoil racist hat quite well. It makes you look a bit taller, nearly 5’4″.

  27. Bla de Bla says:


    If or when you learn tha difference between yer arse & yer elbow you will know beyond a shadow of a doubt that I wear whatever tha hell I wanna wear & I always wear it well .

  28. jeremysteele11 says:

    Anyone who uses the term semite to describe Jews as a whole is ignorant… and ignorance will not be tolerated! The truth is out there!

    I am not friends or agree with Bla de bla R O Y S WIFE.. AND Cindi if I’m not allowed to state this then fine, goodbye I’m done with this fucking site. Stop backing her attacks here by only censoring me!
    That’s the fucking thanks for all the contributions I’ve made to contributions I’ve made to this site all these fucking years!

  29. jeremysteele11 says:

    Anyone who uses the term semite to describe Jews as a whole is ignorant… and ignorance will not be tolerated! The truth is out there!

    I am not friends or agree with B l a d e b l a, R 0 Y z WIFE.. AND Cindi if I’m not allowed to state this then fine, goodbye I’m done with this fucking site. Stop backing her attacks here by only censoring me!
    That’s the fucking thanks for all the contributions I’ve made to this site all these fucking years! Censoring me but not her? HOW DARE YOU!

    You want to attack me for my size, M R S G A R C I A ? You’re married to a fat fuck who does POVs with hs 3 inch mushroom headed cock. You must really hate yourself, huh?

  30. Well, in Cindi’s defence, most times when you fight with R*y or his wife you end up making some pretty serious allegations against him. I’m not saying they’re false (in fact, given what I’ve read about Mr G*rc*a and seeing how he presents himself, I’m inclined to believe them), but they haven’t been proven in a court of law. It’s basic self-preservation – the last thing Cindi needs are raep accusations being published on her site.

    I know you’re only defending yourself, but as repugnant and dishonest as those two are, I don’t recall them ever accusing anyone of illegal or actionable behaviour.

  31. I love how people hide behind, I’m not racist shit. LOL

  32. Sean Tompkins AKA TRPWL says:

    Wrestling is real..#Demboys

  33. Also why does he keep putting Cindy into his comments? I guess the heat is getting to him. LOL

  34. dicpusini says:

    Contributions might be derailing every topic, writing op-eds just to attack an ex, racist paranoid rants…

    The pattern has been tweedledee posting and then tweedledum posting exactly one hour later. Dum, was tweedldee the man on the other side of the wooden fence’s gloryhole? Or is he just yet another alt?

  35. jeremysteele11 says:

    I wasnt the one who accusd, ceth… that was done b a certain performer on her twitter.

    And fuck u b l k moronman ive explained things in detail n thats all u can say? R u proud of yor stupidity?

  36. Someone is getting upset, after begin call out for hiding behind Cindy. Also your comments are as stupid as Bla de Bla comments. LOL!

  37. Jerkuliscious says:

    According to the late, great Capt. Lou Albano, as told to Kevin Nash: “there are only 2 things real about wrestling, the money and the miles.”

    I’ll add that AJ Lee’s butt is real….real nice.

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