Another Donny Long Site?

If you go look at,  the site that as far as I know still belongs to Donny Long, and  is his main source of income, it has been revamped.

There is also another adult jobs site that I’ve never seen before that looks just like DL’s revamped XXXFilmJobs. It’s called, it was registered in March 2010 and the who is info is protected.

Donny own that one too? Just wonderin’ Cuz both sites have the same features, design elements and wacky plug ins ( like the cartoon person talking to you) Maybe someone different owns the second site and just copied Donny’s?  But that would be right down to the word for word and font type of the legal stuff nobody really reads. Anyone have any info? Can one  of the wonderful ANTI-pwl Army get me more info? That cute TROLL perhaps? 😉

(Yes I know this will send both sites traffic, which I am not thrilled about. BUT I’d rather everyone be aware of any possible thing that DL is doing than in the dark about it)



11 thoughts on “Another Donny Long Site?

  1. jeremysteele11 says:

    Don’t sweat giving him the free traffic, Cindi. Whatever short term gains he gains will be more than offset by the long term losses that knowledge about his activities brings.

  2. Donny owns another site called There’s someone there that is using my real name as their user id. That is identity theft. They are impersonating me and recruiting girls to their producer coherts.

    I wrote to Donny about it because this person has been going around using my name to bash people in the industry including Donny. He responded though he refused to cancel the account as some other webmasters and owners have been kind enough to do!

  3. jeremysteele11 says:

    “Gofucktalk”… very catchy. Sounds like an angry babboon came up with that one.

  4. max softcore says:

    “There’s someone there that is using my real name as their user id. That is identity theft.”
    No, that’s LULZ, as the kids say these days.

    “They are impersonating me and recruiting girls to their producer coherts.”

    No they’re not. Get over yourself.

  5. GoFuckTalk is still up??!! I clicked on that one a year or two ago and all it was middle east spam and some troll posting under the name John Denver harrassing Donny and giving him shit about his boats and whatnot.

  6. Jerkuliscious says:

    Same layout and search as ModelMayhem. Didn’t Donk say he had an offer for his site?

  7. tigger_lover says:

    I don’t know about elsewhere, but in California impersonating someone online is illegal. Just sayin.

  8. Also, didn’t DL start GoFuckTalk because he foe’d pretty much everyone on GFY, and wanted to make a site that would put GFY out of commission? I think I remember reading that somewhere, possibly in a post by Capt. Cuba himself.

  9. Jerkuliscious says:

    The GoFuckTalk name is a combo of GoFuckYourself and XXXPornTalk, 2 places where people somehow didn’t buy the fact that Donkey was the greatest thing since the invention of the shaved twat.

    True narcissism is hilarious from afar.

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