Gay Marriage in Cali Ok’d!

The Judge just lifted the ban on gay marriage in Cali. So on August 18th gay couples can make it legal! Congratulations to all those who have been fighting hard for equal rights! YAH!

11 thoughts on “Gay Marriage in Cali Ok’d!

  1. docqualizer says:

    Unfortunately, this is only one of many rounds. The proponents of Prop. 8 can go back and file for a new stay. That would have to be heard by at least a 3 judge panel of the 9th circuit.
    If a stay is NOT reinstated by the 18th, same-sex marriages can resume.
    All of this eventually will be heard by SCOTUS.

  2. The Colonel says:

    To hell with gays, for real. I don’t understand this gay marriage thing, anyway. If two men (i.e. Chrissy & Seth Dick-ins) love each other’s cock and ass and do 69 twice a week, what’s the big deal about them being legally married or not? Let them get fucking married and share their misery. As long as they stay away from me, I could give two shits.

  3. jeremiahsteele says:

    Oh, that’s Fabulous! Now they can know the miseries of marriage. But no suprise, as read in the LA Weekly this week, most young gay guys don’t want to marry, anyway. Why bother when they have so many different sex partners? Boys will be “boiz” as they say. A lot of lesbian couples already seem like they’re married, anyway. I think the couples should dress up, one as the husband, the other as the bride, just for the fuck of it, or to symbolize who’s quarterbacking and who’s receiving or who’s the dominant one.

  4. I have no reason to keep Gay men or women from getting married. Here’s something to ponder. Marriage IS a religious thing. I realize people don’t want me to say this(and again I am not saying I think gay men/women should not have this right) It was instituted by many religious organizations such as Judaism and Christianity which may have been the first and probably was to do so. I am guessing they were the first since Hinduism, Islam, Buddhism were after Judaism. So here lays many problems, most of our Country was founded on many Christian concepts(howbeit different sects). I realize people say we weren’t but if you actually read text from 1700 and 1800’s you will see we were. How is one going to try to say they want to have an equal say in what is basically a tradition (Christian and Jewish)practice. They really can’t. Sure maybe we can change that narrative which is totally fine.So here we go Narrative is changed. I am a Libertarian so my focus has always been on not letting the government put any control on anything. Ok, next step I again believe in freedom of choice, pretty much no matter who it offends even if I disagree with it. That being said people who find Gay/Lesbian marriages to be wrong should not have to perform them. My reasoning again freedom of choice. Just like Abortion at one time if you disagreed with abortion you did not have to participate(Pres. Obama has tried and maybe did change that), there should never be any instance that the government forces you to do anything that is against your religion. Ok, just making a point, I’m still ok with the marriage. Next this will open new terms to marriage. Here they are, as much as many disagree with them they need to be legalized to make it fair. I find these disgusting or a grave problem. One Multiple Marriages, if you can marry your own sex, or opposite, why can’t you marry multiple. Next this one bothers me but here it goes. Why can’t you marry your Mother, Father, Sister, Brother, Cousin and so on. Hey, you can’t limit it to just gay/heterosexual normal marriages you have to make it equal, because that’s what we are about living in a society that does not judge and lets people do what they want as long as it does not hurt anybody. Another point is what makes any of these marriages normal. If you go by percentages than heterosexual, non incest marriage, that is singular is the only normal one in America. If you don’t believe in percentages than pretty much anything were the party is willing is normal..IE animals would not count because we can not get their view on the matter. Or are we living in a media friendly social justice society that only cares about some issues but not really others. I am positive we do. As much as Marrying your own family bothers me or that I think people should be tolerant to ALL. I am absolutely against being one sided or limiting freedoms that the federal government has no business dealing with. Nor do I believe that the government should step in and mess with a valid religions teachings(ie one which has been around for a couple hundred years or more). So anytime a religious person is arrested for a hate crime, unless it involves rape, murder, arson, incest, I find it to be an issue the government has no say in…PERIOD. Well I am sure I will get a ton of replies but hey I say things to make you think outside of the box, because that is they way I live my life. One more time before I go I have no problem with gay/lesbian marriages, I just want everybody to think about ALL possibilities and to consider all things if we are changing the narrative on marriage. Well I’m out

  5. jeremiahsteele says:

    I think everyone should be allowed to get married, but I also think we should start banning people from having children or have them sterlized. With gays, there’s no worries about them contributing to overpopulation in an ever deteriorating world.

  6. Jimmy, marriage is not solely a religious thing. Its a basic aspect of citizenship and community–I think both sides agree with that. The reason the government regulates marriage is to promote the general welfare in helping couples to procreate and raise families as well as to provide legal support in the merger of name and property that marriage entails.

    As for your comparison of same-sex marriage to polygamy and incestuous relationships, there is wide gap between these issues. There is a stronger argument to prove that same sex marriages are just as fair and family-centric as heterosexual marriages. With incest and polygamy, these tend to be more abusive relationships with a history of coercion (ie just look at FLDS as the level of abuse allegations) and dysfunctional relationships (its not entirely clear that romantic relationships between close relatives are positive for one’s mental health).

  7. Marriage is one of the most outdated bullshit scams around.

    You need to sign a contract with the state to prove you love somebody? Sucks eggs, pal (as Sonny Crockett used to say)

    Its pathetic watching these divorced guys mope around all fucking broke. You ask them why they got married in the first place and they tell you “I dont know, I thought thats what people do.” Fucking sheep

    One guy told me he got married because “he was tired of making TV dinners.” What a fucking assclown.

    If marriage makes you happy, fine. Just dont ask for any sympathy from me when you lose half your earnings and have to pay an attorney $200 an hour. Dont forget about all the bullshit court dates you will have to attend when you could be going to the beach.

  8. jeremiahsteele says:

    Here are some facts about marriage:

    1. Marriage is the sole cause of divorce.

    2. The divorce rate for 1st time marriages is about 50%. And the more one gets married the higher the statistical likihood of divorce.

    3. About 86% of divorces are of from those who marry before age 30, so if you marry, you’d best not rush into it (ex/: Taylor Rain)

    4. Many philosophers have been against marriage, including Satre & Simone de Beauvoir (Marriage, understood existentially, proposes to join two free selves into one heading, thus denying the freedom, the complete foundation, of each self);
    Kierkegaard and Kafka, the latter who said: “I must be alone a great deal. What I accomplished was only the result of being alone.” Plato argued for group marriage and Philip Kilbride, an American anthropologist, proposed polygamy as a solution to the ills of marriage. He says marriage causes infidelity and extramarital affairs, which damage the children and family unit. Feminists are often against marriage as well, claiming that “the institution of marriage is the chief vehicle for the perpetuation of the oppression of women; it is through the role of wife that the subjugation of women is maintained.”

    5. My mom has been married twice, and has happily been together with my step dad since ’77. My dad has been married 3x and seems to have found his ideal wife who he’s been with for over 15 years, I think. Marriage can still be a beautiful and mutually beneficial thing… however it’s far from being a guarantee. Marriage doesn’t necessarily change people from their bad habits, but oft times makes them more the same.

    6. Divorce is emotionally and financially devestating. Having your bond legally and religiously sanctioned adds to the collective toll if the shit hits the fan.

    7. If The Dodgers owner hadn’t gotten divorced, the Dodgers might have a much better team right now.

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