Shrine For Tom Dong…

NL-I wrote to Eric, the owner of Ultima to see how he and his staff were doing and if they were having a memorial. I will have an interview with Eric shortly, to answer some of the questions we have all been wondering about…


We had a small industry gathering at our studio on Wednesday, and we spoke with each other about our fond memories of Tom on camera for his family.

We made a small shrine for Tom in the front office of our studio, and anyone is welcome to come over and sign their name or view his pictures. We will keep the studio doors open all weekend for anyone who wishes to visit, and next week we will deliver the shrine and the video footage to his family.

Thanks again for getting in touch with me and if you would like to post our address and an invitation to his shrine on your site, I would be highly grateful.

Our address is. 7625 Hayvenhurst ave. Unit 8, Van Nuys 91406.


4 thoughts on “Shrine For Tom Dong…

  1. Dude had a fat cat…. rest in peace…

  2. I wrote to them asking how much notice they gave Steven before firing him/kicking him out. They never replied back.

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