Shelley Lubben Goes To Vegas to SAVE porn people

NL-there are a lot of people whom I don’t agree with whose opinions i post on LIB, Shelley included. But I also have to say she is really passionate about what she believes in, and I respect that about her. She also has a good heart.

Pink Cross Foundation is off to Las Vegas this week to reach out to thousands of porn stars and porn fans as well as strippers and prostitutes so PLEASE keep us in prayer. We thank those of you who donated and sent in many supplies. We wrapped up all the supplies in beautiful bags and will also pass out over 4,000 pieces of literature and especially offer lots of hugs and prayer. If you still want to support us, please consider donating as we have a very large team this year and could use the finances for the 5 days we are there. Thank you for any support you can give to us. You may donate at

Thank you again and we’ll keep you updated with the progress of the outreach in our blog!

Love you all,


PS: Please continue to pray for me as I just had surgery and am not 100% so please pray for strength for me especially for the Las Vegas outreach. I will also be filmed on MTV visiting with a porn star so lots on my plate! I had a first rough 3 days after surgery but thanks to many of your prayers am feeling better. Thank you and I love you all and am sooo grateful for all the support. There is no way we could do any of the outreaches without people praying for us and supporting us.


11 thoughts on “Shelley Lubben Goes To Vegas to SAVE porn people

  1. The Colonel says:

    Shelley Lubben is not going to Vegas to save anybody, she’s going there to eat and drink like the pig she is and party, all at the expense of the industry that she portrays as the root of all evil. If that’s not the sign of hypocrisy, then I don’t know what is. Some whores take two dicks up the ass to gain attention, Shelley Lubben talks god and salvation. Both make good jerk off material.

  2. if i pray it give me strength? awesome, i guess that means i don’t have to work out anymore

  3. jesusfreak says:

    Shelly is sincerely trying to reach out to those who are now experiencing what she had gone through before. Try to know a bit about her before being judgmental. How many of you will honestly say that the type of lifestyles she is targetting in her outreach is something you are not only proud of but something you want your children to partake in in the future?

  4. joe truth says:

    What a crock. Just sad is all I can say. While she is praying to whom or whatever, she might as well right Santa, and the Easter bunny. I just finished a new film called the god complex. You can see the trailer on or for more fun at a religious nuts expense go see our new
    At least when you pray to submissive Jesus you can actually hear him answer. The great thing about our country is freedom of religion and freedom from religion. What ever gets you through the day.

  5. I’m right behind you! You are in my prayers.

  6. BigLeeBail says:

    You’ll never Wash the Whore off of this slug.

  7. eisforeric says:

    “PS: Please continue to pray for me as I just had surgery and am not 100% so please pray for strength for me especially for the Las Vegas outreach.”

    Uh… no.

  8. eisforeric says:

    And the next time you try to claim the porn industry is profiting off of exploiting women, remove your damn breast implants.

  9. i just went to the pink cross site and I noticed two things- Anastasia Grish needs to do a few scenes and if christian xxx is unavailable for work, tranny producers have an adequate replacement in garrett lubben.

  10. Anastacia Grish looks OK, I remember when in XPT Mark_J (I doubt he is Brandon, Brandon has less anger) said that she was one of Shelley publicity stunt.

    I remember when Luke Ford wrote in his other blog that one way to get to know hot chicks was to get into religion. The hottest the chicks the wackies the religions.
    It worked for Charles Mason after all.

  11. Please just fucking stop!! Join with XXXchurch or something. I said it.

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