Britney Spears Sex Tape for sale?

It’s being reported on various gossip sites that Britney’s short term ex-boyfriend slash paparazzi Adnan Ghlib, is trying to sell two hours worth of footage that allegedly shows Britney in a pink wig having sex with him.

If this were for real, I would think that Vivid and Kevin Blatt would be all over it.


3 thoughts on “Britney Spears Sex Tape for sale?

  1. eisforeric says:

    I’m sure it’ll be just as, if not more successful as Amy Fisher’s sex tape.

  2. jeremiahsteele says:

    It would sell a hell of a lot more than Amy Fisher, I’d think.

  3. eisforeric says:

    Eight years ago? Hell yes. Now, they’re pretty much on the same platform.

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